This has already been discussed ont he POV newsgroup at
news.zoo-logique.org, but since nobody mentioned it here, this could still
be news for some of you. Gilles Tran made the cover for the January issue of
Studio Multimedia magazine, a french periodical. Besides the cover, there is
also an interview with Gilles where we learn that he is an agronomist
(agronomic engineer, no wonder he turned to POV :o) ), among other info on
him and on raytracing.
Congratulations, Gilles, you certainly much more than deserve the attention.
The link to the site is: http://studio.posse-press.com/magazine_full.php3
Also, we don't get this magazine down here in Brazil, and I would like to
know if someone could get me an issue. I'd be more than happy to pay for it
or trade it for some Brazilian (legal) article that you'd be interested in.
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