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<grabbing the bandwagon as it goes past>
#local A=seed(4);#macro B()<rand(A),0,rand(A)>#end#macro I(G,S)sphere{0,
1 pigment{rgbf 1}interior{media{emission 4 density{spherical color_map{[0
0][1 rgb B()]}}}}hollow scale .4 translate<G-5,S-4,9>}#end
Anyone going to shorten it?
* gsh### [at] monotix co za * Chaos, disorder and panic *
* http://www.rucus.ru.ac.za/~gail/ * My job here is done. *
* Just think of me as the storm before the calm Magic: The Gathering*
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On Wed, 9 Jan 2002 16:21:00 +0200, "Gail Shaw" <gsh### [at] monotix co za> wrote:
> Anyone going to shorten it?
there is probably some way to shorten your data numbers and it could fit into 4
lines but here is my play with your macros:
#macro S(I,G)sphere{0 .4pigment{rgbf 1}hollow interior{media{emission 4density
{spherical color_map{[.6rgb 0][1rgb<sin(I/pi),0,cos(G/pi)>]}}}}translate<I-5,G
-4,9>}#end S(4,6)S(3,6.5)S(2,6)S(1.6,5)S(1.5,4)S(1.6,3)S(2,2)S(3,1.5)S(4,1.7)S
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Your B() macro is called only once so you may as well inline it. Here's what
I got after doing that and getting rid of a few redundant spaces:
#macro I(G,S)sphere{0 1pigment{rgbf 1}interior{media{emission 4density
{spherical color_map{[0rgb 0][1rgb<rand(A)0rand(A)>]}}}}hollow scale.4
translate<G-5,S-4,9>}#end#local A=seed(4);I(4,6)I(3,6.5)I(2,6)I(1.6,5)
I might look at it some more later.
Speaking of signatures, I reduced mine by five characters.
light_source{6#local D#macro B(E)#macro A(D)#declare#declare C=mod(E
D);E=(E-C)/D;C#end#while(E)#if(A(8)=7)#declare D=D+2.8;#else#if(C<3)
}cylinder{0(C=<1 2>).2translate<D+C*A(2)A(4)#else}intersection{torus
{1 .2}box{-2y}rotate<1 0C>*90translate<D+1A(2)*2+1#end-2 13>pigment{
rgb x}finish{specular 1}#end#end#end=-8;1B(445000298)B(519053970)B(
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>On Wed, 9 Jan 2002 16:21:00 +0200, "Gail Shaw" <gsh### [at] monotix co za> wrote:
>> Anyone going to shorten it?
>there is probably some way to shorten your data numbers and it could fit into 4
>lines but here is my play with your macros:
considering Anders's commas some additional optimizations (your nick moved to
save justification
#macro S(I,G)sphere{0 .4pigment{rgbf 1}hollow interior{media{emission 4density
{spherical color_map{[.6rgb 0][1rgb<sin(I/pi)0cos(G/pi)>]}}}}translate<I-5G-4,
9>}#end S(4,6)S(3,6.5)S(2,6)S(1.6,5)S(1.5,4)S(1.6,3)S(2,2)S(3,1.5)S(4,1.7)//GS
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Gail Shaw <gsh### [at] monotix co za> wrote:
: #local A=seed(4);#macro B()<rand(A),0,rand(A)>#end#macro I(G,S)sphere{0,
: 1 pigment{rgbf 1}interior{media{emission 4 density{spherical color_map{[0
: rgb
: 0][1 rgb B()]}}}}hollow scale .4 translate<G-5,S-4,9>}#end
: I(4,6)I(3,6.5)I(2,6
: )I(1.6,5)I(1.5,4)I(1.6,3)I(2,2)I(3,1.5)I(4,1.7)I(4.2,2.6)I(4.1,3.5)I(3.4,3.5
: )I
: (9,6)I(8,6.5)I(7,6)I(7,5)I(7.7,4.3)I(8.3,3.7)I(9,3)I(9,2)I(8,1.5)I(7,2)///GS
: Anyone going to shorten it?
How about this:
#local A=seed(4);#macro I(G,S)disc{0z.4pigment{onion color_map{[0rgb<rand(A)0
rand(A)>*18][.4rgb 0]}}translate<G-5S-4,9>}#end I(4,6)I(3,6.5)I(2,6)I(1.6,5)I
#macro M(A,N,D,L)plane{-z,-9pigment{mandel L*9translate N color_map{[0rgb x]
[1rgb 9]}scale<D,D*3D>*1e3}rotate y*A*8}#end M(-3<1.206434.28623>70,7)M(
-1<.7438.1795>1,20)M(1<.77595.13699>30,20)M(3<.75923.07145>80,99)// - Warp -
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On 9 Jan 2002 10:03:57 -0500, Warp <war### [at] tag povray org> wrote:
> How about this:
Considering my remove of random generator it could be even smaller. But it
changes color characteristic a little.
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Lol... why not just use your name, email address, and web site? =)
Chris Howie
cra### [at] yahoo com
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On Wed, 9 Jan 2002 16:26:35 -0500, Chris Howie wrote:
> Lol... why not just use your name, email address, and web site? =)
Name - in the From: header.
email - in the From: header.
website - in Unca Ken's links list, so why put it anywhere else?
So I had 4 lines of 80 columns free for other stuff; why not put this there:
#macro R(L P)sphere{L __}cylinder{L P __}#end#macro P(_1)union{R(z+_ z)R(-z _-z)
R(_-z*3_+z)torus{1__ clipped_by{plane{_ 0}}}translate z+_1}#end#macro S(_)9-(_1-
_)*(_1-_)#end#macro Z(_1 _ __)union{P(_)P(-_)R(y-z-1_)translate.1*_1-y*8pigment{
rgb<S(7)S(5)S(3)>}}#if(_1)Z(_1-__,_,__)#end#end Z(10x*-2,.2)camera{rotate x*90}
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On Wed, 9 Jan 2002 16:21:00 +0200, "Gail Shaw" <gsh### [at] monotix co za> wrote:
> Anyone going to shorten it?
collecting some ideas and adding my coding here are two shortest version
(knowing other povers probably not last word) - sorry - colors are changed
personally I like second but it is one character more then first
#local O="<P2U(P$F#<$2((2#<%>.=767nPdUZPZFa?g9n2n(d#Z("#macro R(
M)asc(substr(O,K,1))/10-#declare K=K+M;2#end#local K=1;#while(K<
strlen(O))disc{0z.4pigment{onion color_map{[0rgb<sin(R(1))1cos(R
(-1))>*9][.4rgb 0]}}translate<R(1)-5R(1)-4,9>}#end // GS
#macro _(G,S)#while(S<strlen(G))disc{0z.4pigment{onion color_map
{[0rgb<sin(g(1))1cos(g(-1))>*9][.4rgb 0]}}translate<g(1)-5g(1)-4
9>}#end#end#macro g(s)asc(substr(G,S,1))*.1-#declare S=S+s;2#end
_("<P2U(P$F#<$2((2#<%>.=767nPdUZPZFa?g9n2n(d#Z(",1) // GS
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On Wed, 9 Jan 2002 16:21:00 +0200, "Gail Shaw" <gsh### [at] monotix co za> wrote:
> Anyone going to shorten it?
finally three lines :-)
#macro _(G,S)#while(S<strlen(G))sphere{0 .2pigment{rgb 1-<sin(g(1))1cos(g(-1))>
}translate<g(1)-1g(1)9>}#end#end#macro g(s)asc(substr(G,S,1))*.1-#declare S=S+s
;6#end _("<P2U(P$F#<$2((2#<%>.=767nPdUZPZFa?g9n2n(d#Z(",1)light_source{0 1}//GS
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