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Are the packets already out on their way ? ...
just wondering ....
"Somehow what you suggest is like suggesting to add drills \ jan### [at] lzer net
to cars so you can drill for oil when you run out of fuel. \
Sure you could do it, but it might not be the most practical > Jan
solution." [Thorsten Froehlich in p.u.p] / Walzer
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Jan Walzer wrote:
> Are the packets already out on their way ? ...
> just wondering ....
There were some unexpected manufacturing delays but rest assured that
Mr. Cason is actively working on the issue and they should be ready
Ken Tyler
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"Jan Walzer" <jan### [at] lzer net> wrote in message news:3c358cb3@news.povray.org...
> Are the packets already out on their way ? ...
I'm about to email everyone who ordered ... no, they are not being posted
right now. I am unhappy with the clarity of the little 'P' on the reverse
side of the keyring and am having them all remanufactured. There was a delay
in doing this due to the manufacturer having shut down for the holidays (but
they are back now).
While I could send what I have, I am very particular about quality and really
don't want to. This will cause a delay of about another three weeks (at most,
perhaps less).
-- Chris
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thanks for concerning yourself with the details so much Chris.
I can wait- because I have no money for now... and actually am
relieved I can still get one in a timely fashion.
Current obsession: "Ballet pour ma fille."
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Thanx ...
Yes, I can wait for quality ...
I just wanted to ask, because the last thing, I read, was the post,
somewhere in december, where you mentioned, that you'll have them ...
It could also have been, that the delivery service dropped some packets...
Furthermore, it "could" have been, that some of my mails are got lost, as
I currently have a KK in progress ...
so I only wanted to make sure I didn't miss something IMPORTANT ;)
Thanx again, for this quality-assurance ...
"Somehow what you suggest is like suggesting to add drills \ jan### [at] lzer net
to cars so you can drill for oil when you run out of fuel. \
Sure you could do it, but it might not be the most practical > Jan
solution." [Thorsten Froehlich in p.u.p] / Walzer
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"Dearmad" <dea### [at] applesnake net> wrote in message
> thanks for concerning yourself with the details so much Chris.
Likewise, better you than me to make such a difficult decision. I think we
can all appreciate your opting for a quality keyring. Meanwhile, I'll chomp
on the bit some more.
bob h
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Krazy Kid?
Klu Klux?
Killer Korn?
Knife Knowledge?
Current obsession: "Ballet pour ma fille."
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"Dearmad" <dea### [at] applesnake net> asked:
> KK?
> Krazy Kid?
> Klu Klux?
> Killer Korn?
> Knife Knowledge?
dunno exactly what it means ...
but it is, if you transfer a domain (my domain is "lzer.net") from one
provider to another ....
AFAIK it can (but it should not) happen, that there are mails lost, when they
arrive in he moment, when the old provider has disconnected, and the new one
hasn't connected yet ...
I'm not sure 'bout the hole thing yet, but it can only get better ...
"Somehow what you suggest is like suggesting to add drills \ jan### [at] lzer net
to cars so you can drill for oil when you run out of fuel. \
Sure you could do it, but it might not be the most practical > Jan
solution." [Thorsten Froehlich in p.u.p] / Walzer
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Chris Cason scribis news:3c35d4b6@news.povray.org:
> This will cause a delay of about another three
> weeks (at most, perhaps less).
> -- Chris
Thats OK. I ordered mine in a small attempt to give back some of what I get
from this NG. I can be patient.
Gis poste, Arto.
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