Hiya'll. Does anybody know of any good modelers for MacOS 9 or OS X
(preferably OS X)? I ended up ordering a Mac a few days ago and I want to
be prepared for its arrival, if you know what I mean ;-)
#macro S(M)cylinder{E(M)<A,C,5>,<B,D,5>,.1,15}#end#macro E(P)#if(div(P,16)
)#declare B=-1;#declare D=-2;#end#if(div(P,32))#declare A=1;#declare C=0;#
end#if(div(P,64))#declare B=-1;#declare D=0;#end#if(div(P,128))#declare A=
1;#declare C=2;#end#end blob{S(192)S(96)S(48)pigment{rgb 8*z}} /** Ian **/
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In article <3c2c4e3d@news.povray.org>,
"Ian Burgmyer" <the### [at] yahoo com> wrote:
> Hiya'll. Does anybody know of any good modelers for MacOS 9 or OS X
> (preferably OS X)? I ended up ordering a Mac a few days ago and I want to
> be prepared for its arrival, if you know what I mean ;-)
Well, there is Maya...you didn't specify a price. ;-)
Hmm, a Mac OS X Blender version is now available...
A Google search gave many other links.
Followup-To povray.macintosh...
Christopher James Huff <chr### [at] mac com>
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