Does anyone know of a program where you can specify -blank- number of
entries in -blank- position in the palette of an image, but let it map as
many of the image's colors as possible to the remaining entries? I've tried
ImageMagick, but that won't do the trick (other than that, it's a fantastic
camera{location<0,0.25,-2> look_at 0.5*y} #declare T=texture{pigment{crackle
scale 0.5 rotate 90 turbulence 0.75 color_map{[0 rgb 1][0.05 rgb 1][0.1
rgb<1,0.25,1>][0.25 rgbf 1][1 rgbf 1]}} finish{ambient 1}} #declare
c=difference{torus{0.5,0.1 rotate -90*x}box{<0.7,0,0.2>,<-0.7,-0.7,-0.2>}}
merge{object{c translate<0.5,0.5,0>} object{c translate<-0.5,0.5,0>}
cylinder{<1,0.5,0>,<1,0,0>,0.1} cylinder{<-1,0.5,0>,<-1,0,0>,0.1}
cylinder{0.5*y,0,0.1} texture{T}}
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On Wed, 12 Dec 2001 19:15:42 -0500, "Mahalis" <don### [at] fakey com> wrote:
> > Newsgroups with names such as comp.graphics.misc and
> comp.graphics.visualisation could perhaps help you?
> Sounds good... where?
#declare _=function(a,b,x){((a^2)+(b^2))^.5-x}#default {pigment{color rgb 1}}
union{plane{y,-3}plane{-x,-3}finish{reflection 1 ambient 0}}isosurface{ //ABX
contained_by{box{<0,-3,-.1>,<3,0,.1>}}translate z*15finish{ambient 1}}//POV35
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Mahalis wrote:
> > Newsgroups with names such as comp.graphics.misc and
> comp.graphics.visualisation could perhaps help you?
> Sounds good... where?
Anywhere on a news server that propagates the USENET newsgroups.
Your ISP probably offers you access to such a news server
(typically named news.your-isp.com). Or see Google for a web
font-end and, most of all, 20-year archive, as ABX has shown you.
Adrien Beau adr### [at] free fr http://adrien.beau.free.fr/
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