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Hi, Greg. I rushed to get as many images as I could ready for uploading
yesterday. I stayed up till 2:30AM uploading images, since I also had to add
my name to them, resize them, crop them in some cases, and that took me some
time before I had them ready to upload. Then I had to fill out the info for
each image before uploading it. I managed 10. Not the 10 I really wanted,
but the best I could scrape together by the deadline. Is it over then? How
many images have you got so far?
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Ah! I forgot again! I've got them ready and just forgot to upload them!
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"Bill DeWitt" <bde### [at] cfl rr com> wrote in message
> Ah! I forgot again! I've got them ready and just forgot to upload
I just went and uploaded mine, we'll see if it is allowed... the page
didn't burp and tell me I was too late.
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Damn! you and me both.
ah well...........
Bill DeWitt <bde### [at] cfl rr com> wrote in message
> Ah! I forgot again! I've got them ready and just forgot to upload
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I think it's under 350.
There is no automatic "clashing of the gates with gnashing of teeth" built into
Steve's upload code. I'm working on a term paper and internet-deprived (AOL
sucks!), so we'll talk in a few days. Just get 'em in now!!
"Tony[B]" wrote:
> Hi, Greg. I rushed to get as many images as I could ready for uploading
> yesterday. I stayed up till 2:30AM uploading images, since I also had to add
> my name to them, resize them, crop them in some cases, and that took me some
> time before I had them ready to upload. Then I had to fill out the info for
> each image before uploading it. I managed 10. Not the 10 I really wanted,
> but the best I could scrape together by the deadline. Is it over then? How
> many images have you got so far?
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