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I know, that's a feature-request...
But maybe it's still possible to include it into 3.5
Could it be possible, when rendering animations,
not to clear the preview-pic (maybe optional)?
So one can see in small animations, the difference
between the single frames...
if you don't like the idea, just kick it ..
Jan Walzer <jan### [at] lzer net>
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In article <3bfd37a1@news.povray.org> , "Jan Walzer" <jan### [at] lzer net> wrote:
> I know, that's a feature-request...
> But maybe it's still possible to include it into 3.5
> Could it be possible, when rendering animations,
> not to clear the preview-pic (maybe optional)?
> So one can see in small animations, the difference
> between the single frames...
> if you don't like the idea, just kick it ..
Well, this feature is platform specific. It should be possible without any
core code change on any platform, but nobody has done it so far. Howevere,
I have long been thinking about it (for the Mac version)...
Thorsten Froehlich, Duisburg, Germany
e-mail: tho### [at] trf de
Visit POV-Ray on the web: http://mac.povray.org
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Thorsten Froehlich <tho### [at] trf de> wrote:
: Well, this feature is platform specific. It should be possible without any
: core code change on any platform, but nobody has done it so far. Howevere,
: I have long been thinking about it (for the Mac version)...
In the unix version it has always worked that way.
#macro N(D,I)#if(I<6)cylinder{M()#local D[I]=div(D[I],104);M().5,2pigment{
rgb M()}}N(D,(D[I]>99?I:I+1))#end#end#macro M()<mod(D[I],13)-6,mod(div(D[I
],13),8)-3,10>#end blob{N(array[6]{11117333955,
7382340,3358,3900569407,970,4254934330},0)}// - Warp -
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"Warp" <war### [at] tag povray org> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> Thorsten Froehlich <tho### [at] trf de> wrote:
> : Well, this feature is platform specific. It should be possible without
> : core code change on any platform, but nobody has done it so far.
> : I have long been thinking about it (for the Mac version)...
> In the unix version it has always worked that way.
So it could be possible to include it into 3.5 for windows ?
(OK .. it's my fault, that I didn't tell the OS)
Jan Walzer <jan### [at] lzer net>
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