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I am visiting my parents overseas (the US is overseas for me anyhow) and I
had planned to do a sort of large trace here on my aunt's PC to print and
give as a gift to my parents this Thursday.
The problem is, my aunt's PC is not terribly fast and she has almost no swap
space (don't ask why) and so the trace is crawling and she keeps pausing it
to use her PC and she sometimes forgets to unpause it! It's been two days
and it may be 3 more. I need to get the trace done sometime soon if
possible so I can send it to my printer so he can proof it and print it.
If anyone can help assist me by tracing the thing, I would be very grateful.
It's going slowly because there are 375769 objects and it uses radiosity and
I am tracing at 1800x1800 pixels.
If anyone can help, please respond here or offline to my email at:
her### [at] yahoo com
Thank you,
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"Ted Robinson" <mar### [at] worldnet att net> wrote in message
> I am visiting my parents overseas (the US is overseas for me anyhow) and I
> had planned to do a sort of large trace here on my aunt's PC to print and
> give as a gift to my parents this Thursday.
> If anyone can help assist me by tracing the thing, I would be very
> It's going slowly because there are 375769 objects and it uses radiosity
> I am tracing at 1800x1800 pixels.
> If anyone can help, please respond here or offline to my email at:
> her### [at] yahoo com
I could at least try that on my 500MHz PC since it gets no use anymore now
that I have a notebook computer. If that's too slow to make it by Thursday,
if you think so anyway, then maybe someone else... otherwise go ahead and
send to omn### [at] charter net
Bob H.
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I can trace it overnight (Tuesday) on a PIII / 1 GHz machine with 1 GB RAM.
Could get it back tomorrow (Wed).
Is that soon enough?
"Ted Robinson" <mar### [at] worldnet att net> wrote in message
> I am visiting my parents overseas (the US is overseas for me anyhow) and I
> had planned to do a sort of large trace here on my aunt's PC to print and
> give as a gift to my parents this Thursday.
> The problem is, my aunt's PC is not terribly fast and she has almost no
> space (don't ask why) and so the trace is crawling and she keeps pausing
> to use her PC and she sometimes forgets to unpause it! It's been two days
> and it may be 3 more. I need to get the trace done sometime soon if
> possible so I can send it to my printer so he can proof it and print it.
> If anyone can help assist me by tracing the thing, I would be very
> It's going slowly because there are 375769 objects and it uses radiosity
> I am tracing at 1800x1800 pixels.
> If anyone can help, please respond here or offline to my email at:
> >
> Thank you,
> Hershel
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