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From: Jan Walzer
Subject: A simple checkered floor and a sphere ... (or YKYHBRTL)
Date: 17 Nov 2001 12:33:56
Message: <3bf69f84@news.povray.org>
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I had some fun ...
I think I'll have to shrink the code a bit if I want to use
it as a signature ...
it's a pity, that the recursive version doesn't work ...
The best is, you render it with black textcolor on a bright background... ;)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
#declare Str=concat(
"i !.!O\":\".) #.O \":!8!o\" \"8%:!.% !o!O!8%:!.\" !o!:!.' \".&:!O$ !.':",
"!O!o! !.!:!8!o# \":\"8\" \"8#:! !'\":# \"8#:\"'!8\":\" !8\":# !o\":! \":",
"!8# #:!8\" \":!o!'\" !'\":\"8! \":\"8\" !.\":\"8\" \"8#:\" !8!:# \"8\":$",
" !8\":! !8!o\":\" !8\":! \":!8#.\":!o!O\" \":!8$ \":\"8! \":\"8\" \":\"8",
"# \"8#:\" !O!:# \"8\":$ !8\":\" !8\":\" !8!:!'! $:\"o\":!o# \":!8$ \":\"",
"8! \":!o!8! !.\":\"8# \"8':# \"8\":$ !8\":\" !8\":! !o\":\".\":!8$ \":!8",
"\" ):\"8! !'\":!o!8\":\"8$ \"8%:!'$ \"8\":$ !8\":! \".#:\"o#:\"o#:\".! ",
"\":!8! \":!8# !'\":\"8# !'#:\"8% \"8#:' \"8\":$ !8!:!.\":\"o):!.!:!.\"o!",
":!.!:!8! \":!8$ \":\"8$ \":\"8& \"8#:' \"8\":\" !.!:!o!:!o,:\".! \".!:!.",
"!:\"o!:!.!'!8$ \":\"8$ \":\"8& \"8#:' !O!8\":\".!:\"o-:!.!:#.!:!.$:\"o!.",
"% !'!:!8!O$ \":!8!O& \"8\":!'( !'!O#:\"o0:!.!:!.%:\"o\":, \":!0!%7 A:4 !",
"o\".\"o\".\"o! \"'\"o\".\"o\".\"o\".\"o\".!o\"=08!'#.#o#.#o#.!|#o#.#o#.#",
"o!'$8$o%8%o\"80.!o!O!8!:\"o\".\"o$.$o!|$.$o\".\"o\".\":A8!O\"'$ !:\".$o'",
".!|'o$.+o!.- *'!O!:).!:#.)o!|).#o!'*8!:,.% !.\"o-8!/\"'%.%o!|%,%o!'!8!'!",
"o- !'!O'8! !.\"o08!/$ !'(.!|(o!'%8!o0 !'!O58!/!'( #'#.!|$O\"')8!O!.1 3'2",
"o3'1o. !.!/383 !'!\\/8, !.!/\"8#J!8!w#8!w*85 !'!\\-8* !.!/&8!J!8!w!8!w!8",
"!w*87 !'!\\+8) !/&8!J!8!J!8!w!8!w!8!w*89 !\\*8' !.!/'8#J\"8#w+8: !'!\\(8",
"& !/<8< !'!\\&8");
#macro recursive(S,l)
#declare _l=l;
#declare _=asc(S)-32;
#declare _=_-1;
#debug substr(S,2,1)
#declare _l=_l-1;
#if (_l=0)
#debug "\n"
#declare _l=71;
#macro iterative()
#declare P=0;
#declare Len=strlen(Str);
#declare Out="\n";
#declare cpl=0;
#while (P<Len-1)
#declare P=P+2;
#declare _l=substr(Str,P-1,1);
#declare _c=substr(Str,P,1);
#declare _i=asc(_l)-32;
#while (_i>0)
#declare _i=_i-1;
#declare cpl=cpl+1;
#debug _c
#if (cpl=71)
#declare cpl=0;
#debug "\n"
// recursive(Str,71)
light_source {
<10, 30, -10> color rgb <1, 1, 1>
camera {
location <0,0,-4>
plane {
y, -1
pigment { checker color rgb 1, color rgb 0 }
finish {ambient 0}
sphere {
0.0, 1
pigment {color rgb 0.5}
specular 0.6
reflection 0.6
diffuse 0.4
ambient 0
// ----------------------------------------------------------
Jan Walzer <jan### [at] lzer net>
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From: Andrew
Subject: Re: A simple checkered floor and a sphere ... (or YKYHBRTL)
Date: 17 Nov 2001 12:59:31
Message: <3bf6a583@news.povray.org>
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I hope you're seeing a doctor about this... ;-)
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From: Mahalis
Subject: Re: A simple checkered floor and a sphere ... (or YKYHBRTL)
Date: 18 Nov 2001 18:50:34
Message: <3bf8494a$1@news.povray.org>
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YKYRRRBRTL when you create an ASCII version of the checkered
plane+reflective sphere.
^^^really, Really,REALLY
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Mahalis wrote:
> YKYRRRBRTL when you create an ASCII version of the checkered
> plane+reflective sphere.
> ^^^really, Really,REALLY
...you don't need any software to render the 'sphere and
checkered plane', you can do all the math in your head.
...faster than your computer.
...you construct an animation explaining what raytracing
is using photons and media to illustrate the rays.
...while watching the Matrix, you realize that when YOU
look at objects around you, you see them as code...;)
...you write a port of POV for the X-box, and buy one as
a cheap rendering machine. (or you convince someone
else to write the port for you...*wink*)
...you make a FPS that uses POV as its render engine.
...and have the patience to play it.
Sorry ;)
Seriously, though, if someone writes a port of POV for
the X-box, I'll buy one so I can actually use THIS
machine, since the X-box is inexpensive for a computer
of its calibre...
Tim Cook
Version: 3.12
GFA dpu- s: a?-- C++(++++) U P? L E--- W++(+++)>$
N++ o? K- w(+) O? M-(--) V? PS+(+++) PE(--) Y(--)
PGP-(--) t* 5++>+++++ X+ R* tv+ b++(+++) DI
D++(---) G(++) e*>++ h+ !r--- !y--
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From: Nekar Xenos
Subject: Re: A simple checkered floor and a sphere ... (or YKYHBRTL)
Date: 19 Nov 2001 06:21:55
Message: <3bf8eb53@news.povray.org>
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"Timothy R. Cook" <tim### [at] scifi-fantasy com> wrote in message
> Mahalis wrote:
> > YKYRRRBRTL when you create an ASCII version of the checkered
> > plane+reflective sphere.
> > ^^^really, Really,REALLY
> ...you don't need any software to render the 'sphere and
> checkered plane', you can do all the math in your head.
> ...faster than your computer.
... and then you paint each pixel in Windows Paintbrush !
- Nekar
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From: Jan Walzer
Subject: Re: A simple checkered floor and a sphere ... (or YKYHBRTL)
Date: 19 Nov 2001 11:06:53
Message: <3bf92e1d@news.povray.org>
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> > > YKYRRRBRTL when you create an ASCII version of the checkered
> > > plane+reflective sphere.
> > > ^^^really, Really,REALLY
> >
> >
> > ...you don't need any software to render the 'sphere and
> > checkered plane', you can do all the math in your head.
> > ...faster than your computer.
> ... and then you paint each pixel in Windows Paintbrush !
you can laugh, but:
I did every single "pixel" by hand ...
.. not in Paintbrush, but in JavE (www.jave.de)
I also 'encoded' this image by-hand into this string ...
I realized much to late, that choose a very expensive code ...
just shifting it by 34 instead of 32 would have been much shorter
Jan Walzer <jan### [at] lzer net>
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From: Nekar Xenos
Subject: Re: A simple checkered floor and a sphere ... (or YKYHBRTL)
Date: 20 Nov 2001 01:09:37
Message: <3bf9f3a1@news.povray.org>
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"Jan Walzer" <jan### [at] lzer net> wrote in message news:3bf92e1d@news.povray.org...
> > > > YKYRRRBRTL when you create an ASCII version of the checkered
> > > > plane+reflective sphere.
> > > > ^^^really, Really,REALLY
> > >
> > > YKYBRTLW...
> > >
> > > ...you don't need any software to render the 'sphere and
> > > checkered plane', you can do all the math in your head.
> > > ...faster than your computer.
> >
> > ... and then you paint each pixel in Windows Paintbrush !
> you can laugh, but:
> I did every single "pixel" by hand ...
> .. not in Paintbrush, but in JavE (www.jave.de)
> I also 'encoded' this image by-hand into this string ...
> I realized much to late, that choose a very expensive code ...
> just shifting it by 34 instead of 32 would have been much shorter
I thought we were talking more along the lines of realistic if not
hyper-realistic/photo-realistic ...?
- Nekar
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From: Jan Walzer
Subject: Re: A simple checkered floor and a sphere ... (or YKYHBRTL)
Date: 20 Nov 2001 01:20:14
Message: <3bf9f61e$1@news.povray.org>
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as photorealistic, as the text-output-stream can be, isn't it ?
feel free, to produce a more realistic image ... *g ... and encode it
Jan Walzer <jan### [at] lzer net>
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Jan Walzer wrote:
> as photorealistic, as the text-output-stream can
> be, isn't it ? feel free, to produce a more
> realistic image ... *g ... and encode it
Ha! I can produce a more realistic image AND
encode it into less space! Observe:
"You see a photorealistic sphere over checkered plane."
Tim Cook
Version: 3.12
GFA dpu- s: a?-- C++(++++) U P? L E--- W++(+++)>$
N++ o? K- w(+) O? M-(--) V? PS+(+++) PE(--) Y(--)
PGP-(--) t* 5++>+++++ X+ R* tv+ b++(+++) DI
D++(---) G(++) e*>++ h+ !r--- !y--
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