I found this site on the net:
It is a tool to distribute renderjob for animations with POVRAY on several
POVRAY-Benchmark at http://www.tabsnet.com/
281 Single-CPU-Systems
56 Overclocked CPU Systems
39 Multi CPU Systems
Every Benchmarkresult is welcome.
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Kewl. Do you think that if I linked a 486-66 to my Pentium-100 it would
result in any particular speed increase?
camera{location<0,0.25,-2> look_at 0.5*y} #declare T=texture{pigment{crackle
scale 0.5 rotate 90 turbulence 0.75 color_map{[0 rgb 1][0.05 rgb 1][0.1
rgb<1,0.25,1>][0.25 rgbf 1][1 rgbf 1]}} finish{ambient 1}} #declare
c=difference{torus{0.5,0.1 rotate -90*x}box{<0.7,0,0.2>,<-0.7,-0.7,-0.2>}}
merge{object{c translate<0.5,0.5,0>} object{c translate<-0.5,0.5,0>}
cylinder{<1,0.5,0>,<1,0,0>,0.1} cylinder{<-1,0.5,0>,<-1,0,0>,0.1}
cylinder{0.5*y,0,0.1} texture{T}}
"Tilly" <web### [at] tabsnet de> wrote in message
> Hi,
> I found this site on the net:
> http://sabix.etdv.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/RenderFarm/
> It is a tool to distribute renderjob for animations with POVRAY on several
> PC's.
> Regards,
> Tilly
> -------------------------------------------------------
> POVRAY-Benchmark at http://www.tabsnet.com/
> 281 Single-CPU-Systems
> 56 Overclocked CPU Systems
> 39 Multi CPU Systems
> Every Benchmarkresult is welcome.
> -------------------------------------------------------
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