Please see
The above page has what should be considered the final field of keychain
designs. I need to quickly come to a conclusion as to which of the designs
to have made. Once a decision is made on which is to be made, we can do any
final 'tweaking' of the design (the overall design of each is more or less
fixed, but minor issues like lettering, enamel colors, etc, could change,
if needed).
Please follow this message up with an indication as to your preferences.
-- Chris
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#1 and #9
camera{location<0,0.25,-2> look_at 0.5*y} #declare T=texture{pigment{crackle
scale 0.5 rotate 90 turbulence 0.75 color_map{[0 rgb 1][0.05 rgb 1][0.1
rgb<1,0.25,1>][0.25 rgbf 1][1 rgbf 1]}} finish{ambient 1}} #declare
c=difference{torus{0.5,0.1 rotate -90*x}box{<0.7,0,0.2>,<-0.7,-0.7,-0.2>}}
merge{object{c translate<0.5,0.5,0>} object{c translate<-0.5,0.5,0>}
cylinder{<1,0.5,0>,<1,0,0>,0.1} cylinder{<-1,0.5,0>,<-1,0,0>,0.1}
cylinder{0.5*y,0,0.1} texture{T}}
"Chris Cason" <newsadmin-despam-@povray-no-spam.org> wrote in message
> Please see
> http://www.povray.org/temp/keychains.html
> The above page has what should be considered the final field of keychain
> designs. I need to quickly come to a conclusion as to which of the designs
> to have made. Once a decision is made on which is to be made, we can do
> final 'tweaking' of the design (the overall design of each is more or less
> fixed, but minor issues like lettering, enamel colors, etc, could change,
> if needed).
> Please follow this message up with an indication as to your preferences.
> -- Chris
Post a reply to this message
Chris Cason wrote:
> Please see
> http://www.povray.org/temp/keychains.html
> The above page has what should be considered the final field of keychain
> designs. I need to quickly come to a conclusion as to which of the designs
> to have made. Once a decision is made on which is to be made, we can do any
> final 'tweaking' of the design (the overall design of each is more or less
> fixed, but minor issues like lettering, enamel colors, etc, could change,
> if needed).
> Please follow this message up with an indication as to your preferences.
> -- Chris
I would prefer stamped stainless steel over chrome plate brass
for durability sake but will understand if you choose not to.
It's tough getting enamel to stick to stainless.
Ken Tyler
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