When I have scattering media inside object A (box below) and inside
that object there is some portion of another object B (plane below),
it seems as though that portion is lighted oddly. One explanation
might be that rays from there to the light source ignore light_group
Minimal scene below. The bright spot on the bottom of the box is
what I do not understand. The darkish look of the box itself is just
extinction. Anyway, I am not happy with that bright spot. Is this a
bug or my fault? How do I change the scene to get what I want? (Well
I know that for this minimal scene, absorption 1 would do the trick,
but for the non-minimal one I have in mind I really need scattering)
camera {
right x
up y
direction z
location -10*z
rotate 20*x
light_source {<-1,1,-1>*100 1}
plane {
y (-1)
pigment {
rgb 1
rgb 0
light_group {
box {-2 2
pigment {transmit 1}
interior {
media {
scattering {1, 1}
global_lights off
merge{#local i=-11;#while(i<11)#local
pigment{rgbt 1}interior{media{emission x}}hollow}// Mark Weyer
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