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Three TrueType fonts are given with POV, but accented characters are not
available therein. I have tried to use other TT fonts from my Macintosh,
but they produce errors.
Where can I find TT fonts that would have the right headers and tables
to be used in POV?
How can I write my name using POV Text feature?
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> Three TrueType fonts are given with POV, but accented characters are not
> available therein. I have tried to use other TT fonts from my Macintosh,
> but they produce errors.
> Where can I find TT fonts that would have the right headers and tables
> to be used in POV?
> How can I write my name using POV Text feature?
You can find various fonts with nonstandard characters on:
POV-Ray tutorials, include files, Sim-POV,
HCR-Edit and more: http://www.tu-bs.de/~y0013390/
Last updated 28 Feb. 2003 _____./\/^>_*_<^\/\.______
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Christoph Hormann wrote:
> >
> > Three TrueType fonts are given with POV, but accented characters are not
> > available therein. I have tried to use other TT fonts from my Macintosh,
> > but they produce errors.
> >
> > Where can I find TT fonts that would have the right headers and tables
> > to be used in POV?
> > How can I write my name using POV Text feature?
> You can find various fonts with nonstandard characters on:
> http://www.slovo.info/unifonts.htm
See also section "6.11.6 Charset" in the docs.
Ken Tyler
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Ken wrote:
> Christoph Hormann wrote:
>>>Three TrueType fonts are given with POV, but accented characters are n
>>>available therein. I have tried to use other TT fonts from my Macintos
>>>but they produce errors.
>>>Where can I find TT fonts that would have the right headers and tables
>>>to be used in POV?
>>>How can I write my name using POV Text feature?
>>You can find various fonts with nonstandard characters on:
> See also section "6.11.6 Charset" in the docs.
Thanks for the responses, I have tried several things:
1) Downloaded a new TTF from the above link (Vera Humana 95 Bold). Using
it, however, produces the same problem as with the 3 POV fonts:
"non-ASCII character replaced by space". It took me quite some time to
it did contain these characters. I can use the font in MegaPOV, but I
can't get it to accept the accented characters. Trying to use it in MS
Word, the accented characters are replaced by a "_" (underscore). I
repeat I am on a Macintosh, with MacOS 10.2.6.
2) I found the "Global_charset" item in the POV doc, but not in the
MacMegaPOV doc. I am using MacMegaPOV since yesterday because there is
no current POV for the Mac.
I inserted a Global_Charset command in my POV file:
global_settings{charset ascii}
and got the same warning message as without this command:
"Non-ASCII character has been replaced by space character"
If I use
global_settings{charset URF8}
I get
"Character 142 (0x8E) not found in Macintosh HD:Images:POV
and this time I get a rectangular box instead of a space. Same problem
with the timrom.ttf font.
If I use
global_settings{charset sys}
I get
"Parse Error: cannot convert system specific text format to Unicode."
the Mac character palette, it has the Unicode number 00E9 and decimal
112, so it is not even the same as reported by POV.
What else can I try ? It looks like the fonts are not fully compatible
with the Mac OS, and I can't use the Mac OS specific fonts...
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<fde### [at] netscape net> wrote:
> I am using MacMegaPOV since yesterday because there is
> no current POV for the Mac.
No, there is no version that runs (well) native under Mac OS X, which does
not mean you can't use 3.5 under Classic.
Thorsten Froehlich
e-mail: mac### [at] povray org
I am a member of the POV-Ray Team.
Visit POV-Ray on the web: http://mac.povray.org
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> [...]
> 1) Downloaded a new TTF from the above link (Vera Humana 95 Bold). Using
> it, however, produces the same problem as with the 3 POV fonts:
> "non-ASCII character replaced by space". It took me quite some time to
> it did contain these characters. I can use the font in MegaPOV, but I
> can't get it to accept the accented characters. Trying to use it in MS
> Word, the accented characters are replaced by a "_" (underscore). I
> repeat I am on a Macintosh, with MacOS 10.2.6.
If you have problems using non ASCII characters in POV-Script just use the
POV-Ray tutorials, include files, Sim-POV,
HCR-Edit and more: http://www.tu-bs.de/~y0013390/
Last updated 28 Feb. 2003 _____./\/^>_*_<^\/\.______
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Christoph Hormann wrote:
>>1) Downloaded a new TTF from the above link (Vera Humana 95 Bold). Usin
>>it, however, produces the same problem as with the 3 POV fonts:
>>"non-ASCII character replaced by space". It took me quite some time to
>>it did contain these characters. [...]
> If you have problems using non ASCII characters in POV-Script just use
" is
You're a genius, Christoph !
Now it works with that Vera Humana font (not with timrom.ttf, where
these characters are probably missing). Initial settings are
global_settings{charset utf8}
It is not a very practical way to write in French or German, but at
least I can achieve what I was intending to do.
Many thanks, you saved my day...
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>> If you have problems using non ASCII characters in POV-Script just use
" is
> You're a genius, Christoph !
> Now it works with that Vera Humana font (not with timrom.ttf, where
> these characters are probably missing). Initial settings are
> global_settings{charset utf8}
> It is not a very practical way to write in French or German, but at
> least I can achieve what I was intending to do.
> Many thanks, you saved my day...
And here is the result:
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