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From: Flaming Monarch
Subject: Help please I'm kinda new and need some help!!!
Date: 15 Nov 2002 16:42:48
Message: <3DD56A58.3080502@gates.com>
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what's the best file extension for pictures for screen viewing
that's not too huge preferably good compression
its only for screen but needs to be good full screen quality and the
size needs to be kinda small
plz reply asap I need it quickly
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> what's the best file extension for pictures for screen viewing
> that's not too huge preferably good compression
> its only for screen but needs to be good full screen quality and the
> size needs to be kinda small
JPEG. High compression (low file size) and for most images you can get
decent quality if you need it. Of course, the better the quality, the higher
the file size, but usually you can find an acceptable balance.
- Slime
[ http://www.slimeland.com/ ]
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In article <3DD### [at] gates com>,
Flaming Monarch <fla### [at] gates com> wrote:
> what's the best file extension for pictures for screen viewing
> that's not too huge preferably good compression
> its only for screen but needs to be good full screen quality and the
> size needs to be kinda small
PNG uses lossless compression, the file sizes are fairly large but much
smaller than uncompressed images. JPEG uses lossy compression, the file
sizes depend on the quality settings you use. You can get large files
with no visible compression artifacts, or you can get very tiny files
with visible artifacts. Both are quite standard, any image editor or web
browser should handle them. To archive images for later viewing or
editing, I like PNG for its lossless compression. If you are going to be
editing a file, save JPEG compression for the last step.
Christopher James Huff <cja### [at] earthlink net>
POV-Ray TAG: chr### [at] tag povray org
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From: Flaming Monarch
Subject: Re: Help please I'm kinda new and need some help!!!
Date: 15 Nov 2002 18:02:33
Message: <3DD57D09.9020109@gates.com>
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Cool thx
I had it set on jpg highest
i set it to 80%
and saved 20 megs
cool thx
Flaming Monarch wrote:
> what's the best file extension for pictures for screen viewing
> that's not too huge preferably good compression
> its only for screen but needs to be good full screen quality and the
> size needs to be kinda small
> Thanks
> plz reply asap I need it quickly
> FM
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