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I have seen this question before, but I was wondering if anybody
had seen or written anything recently.
You make a 2d image with an orthographic camera. How do you get
povray to draw an outline around everything without using find
edge on an image application.
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In article <3D8645FC.DEE3C64C@wcom.com>,
James W Foster <j.f### [at] wcom com> wrote:
> I have seen this question before, but I was wondering if anybody
> had seen or written anything recently.
> You make a 2d image with an orthographic camera. How do you get
> povray to draw an outline around everything without using find
> edge on an image application.
Um, you don't. Otherwise there would have been no reason to write the
find_edges filter.
POV doesn't know about "edges", only about intersections between lines
and surfaces, so it can't "draw an outline". You may have some success
texturing everything with the slope filter with the slope direction
facing the camera. This is not perfect, the find_edges filter uses
several different methods combined, but it will do something.
Christopher James Huff <cja### [at] earthlink net>
POV-Ray TAG: chr### [at] tag povray org
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On Mon, 16 Sep 2002 18:13:38 -0400 Christopher James Huff wrote:
>POV doesn't know about "edges", only about intersections between lines
>and surfaces, so it can't "draw an outline". You may have some success
>texturing everything with the slope filter with the slope direction
>facing the camera. This is not perfect, the find_edges filter uses
>several different methods combined, but it will do something.
Chris, do you recall one of our resident artists posting some examples
of cartoon-like renderings in the images group? Each character/object
had a black outline around it, as in a comic book or a cartoon. Might
have been using MegaPov. I just can't remember who it was, and my
archived groups no longer go back far enough. I think it may have been
about two years ago...
ako### [at] povray org
a k o n g <at> p o v r a y <dot> o r g
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In article <202dougth5t7hjbubka3lfkg1no38ktj7f@4ax.com>,
Alan Kong <ako### [at] povrayWWW SPAM COM org> wrote:
> Chris, do you recall one of our resident artists posting some examples
> of cartoon-like renderings in the images group? Each character/object
> had a black outline around it, as in a comic book or a cartoon. Might
> have been using MegaPov. I just can't remember who it was, and my
> archived groups no longer go back far enough. I think it may have been
> about two years ago...
I think that was HE Day. He did some incredible work, I think he uses
3DS Max now and was hired to do some kind of professional graphics work.
And it was MegaPOV, using the find_edges filter (which I did a lot of
work on, though Nathan Kopp made a lot of improvements and bug fixes to
my code, and IIRC, had started a "cartoon" filter that got me inspired
to do the find_edges filter).
Christopher James Huff <cja### [at] earthlink net>
POV-Ray TAG: chr### [at] tag povray org
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On Mon, 16 Sep 2002 15:58:36 -0500, James W Foster <j.f### [at] wcom com> wrote:
> I have seen this question before, but I was wondering if anybody
> had seen or written anything recently.
> You make a 2d image with an orthographic camera. How do you get
> povray to draw an outline around everything without using find
> edge on an image application.
You can be interested in http://news.povray.org/search/?s=cartoon
But you can be also interested in http://news.povray.org/search/?s=povgui
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In article <chr### [at] netplex aussie org>,
Christopher James Huff <chr### [at] mac com> wrote:
> I think that was HE Day. He did some incredible work, I think he uses
> 3DS Max now and was hired to do some kind of professional graphics work.
> And it was MegaPOV, using the find_edges filter (which I did a lot of
> work on, though Nathan Kopp made a lot of improvements and bug fixes to
> my code, and IIRC, had started a "cartoon" filter that got me inspired
> to do the find_edges filter).
A correction, or rather an omission, something I forgt: there was
somebody who more recently came up with a clever way to duplicate the
find_edges feature using functions and the slope pattern. He basically
got the necessary color, normal, and depth information encoded in RGB
image files, and used those files as input to the algorithm. It required
several renderings of the scene (to generate the necessary data files),
and of course the data was a bit limited in accuracy, but it worked and
was implemented entirely in POV script. He posted his work to one of the
scene file groups on this server, search for "find_edges".
Christopher James Huff <cja### [at] earthlink net>
POV-Ray TAG: chr### [at] tag povray org
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