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Have you seen too dark images posted to binaries.images?
Have you posted an image to binaries.images and received
comments on it being too dark?
Your monitor may need adjusting to display both light and
dark tones properly. This test image is for basic monitor
calibration. http://luxlab.com/ref/calibrate.gif
When working with images it's good to minimise reflections
on the screen and keep the ambient light level comfortably
low. This will maximise the range of tones visible on the
screen when the monitor is also calibrated to the current
ambient light situation.
Kari Kivisalo
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> Your monitor may need adjusting to display both light and
> dark tones properly. This test image is for basic monitor
> calibration. http://luxlab.com/ref/calibrate.gif
There is difference between 4,5,6? There is an X?!....
Argh... I need a new monitor, please don't remind me, it hurts...
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Artis wrote:
> There is difference between 4,5,6? There is an X?!....
Forgot to mention that some monitors may not be able to display
dark tones no matter what so this part is optional :) And naturally
24bit or 32bit display mode is required.
Kari Kivisalo
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Kari Kivisalo wrote:
> Have you seen too dark images posted to binaries.images?
> Have you posted an image to binaries.images and received
> comments on it being too dark?
> Your monitor may need adjusting to display both light and
> dark tones properly. This test image is for basic monitor
> calibration. http://luxlab.com/ref/calibrate.gif
When is luxlab going to get an actual index page? There's obviously
useful stuff on the site, but no one can tell where or what it all is. ^^;
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From: Zeger Knaepen
Subject: Re: Basic monitor calibration (it's too dark)
Date: 16 May 2002 20:34:33
Message: <3ce45019@news.povray.org>
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> There is difference between 4,5,6? There is an X?!....
> Argh... I need a new monitor, please don't remind me, it hurts...
I seem to have a good monitor here :)
Only the X... I didn't notice it until I read the text :)
camera{location-z*3}#macro G(b,e)b+(e-b)*(C/50)#end#macro L(b,e,k,l)#local C=0
;#while(C<50)sphere{G(b,e),.1pigment{rgb G(k,l)}finish{ambient 1}}#local C=C+1
;#end#end L(y-x,y,x,x+y)L(y,-x-y,x+y,y)L(-x-y,-y,y,y+z)L(-y,y,y+z,x+y)L(0,x+y,
<.5,1,.5>,x)L(0,x-y,<.5,1,.5>,x) // ZK http://www.povplace.be.tf
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Xplo Eristotle wrote:
> When is luxlab going to get an actual index page? There's obviously
> useful stuff on the site
You assume too much :) Currently it's just a convenient image host
to link to from ng and bbs posts (unlimited space & bandwith). There'll
be a gallery at least and then maybe an organised collection of stuff I
have posted here, so not much new to the vistors of this server. After
summer would be a good time to check the status.
Kari Kivisalo
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> Forgot to mention that some monitors may not be able to display
> dark tones no matter what so this part is optional :)
For example nine year old second hand monitors like mine.
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Artis wrote:
> For example nine year old second hand monitors like mine.
I do hope, that you can get new monitor ASAP, losing vision due to bad
monitor ain't good. I'm afraid that nine year old monitor can't do 85
Hz, which seems to be abosolute minimum to avoid eye strain from
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> monitor ain't good. I'm afraid that nine year old monitor can't do 85
> Hz, which seems to be abosolute minimum to avoid eye strain from
> flickering...
I'm used to 75 Hz, so I can't tell what is causing more trouble for me --
the flickering, or the fact that everything is so dark.
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> I'm used to 75 Hz, so I can't tell what is causing more trouble for me --
> the flickering, or the fact that everything is so dark.
I use 75 hertz too and it doesn't flicker (my eyes already damaged? ;o)
okay it's not something to joke about!).. But the flicker depends on the
monitors glow-time.. Also the contrast setting seems to have a strong
influence, because with low contrast and a dark room, 75 hertz is very
pleasant to the eyes.
I've looked at screens many hours a day for 18 years, and still don't have
any problems. The secret is probably that you stop when your eyes becomes
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