[Using POV 3.5 beta 11 under Windows ME -- also tested under 3.1g
on same platform, identical results]
Can someone confirm:
Is the media_attenutation keyword not working or am I not using it
correctly here? I've removed a separate spotlight I was using to
create a visible spotlight effect because it's presense or absense
seems to have no effect on what I'm inquiring about. In the code
I've left below, shouldn't the plane be fully illuminated with no
impact by the media in this example? I got the spotlight to
produce the light beam I'm asking for just fine, but then I
wanted to have at least some general illumination besides the
spotlight, and adding in a non-media attenuated light_source
seems to fail. The "media_interaction off" works as I'd expect,
but the "media_attenuation off" seems to be ignored, as whether
it's present or not, the light falls off as if gradually attenuated.
The alternative, of course, is constrain the media in a cone, which
will be my next attempt, but I'm not following whether this is a
bug in attenutation or my comprehension?
camera { location <0,5,-5> look_at <0,2,0> }
media {
scattering { 1, rgb<1,1,1> extinction .2 }
/* setting extinction to 1 makes the scene pitch black instead,
so apparently the light_source is being absorbed by the media */
light_source {
<0,100,0> color rgb 1
media_interaction off
media_attenuation off //no apparent effect here...
plane { y, 0 pigment { checker color rgb 0 color rgb .5 } }
The Silver Tome :: http://www.silvertome.com
0x06: I am NOT a RESOURCE. I am a free() mem!!
0x02: Aaaahahahahahahaha...
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