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I've seen a lot of examples of isosurfaces that are supposedly made with
fractals and have kind of a round "whirled" look, like a screw or
seashell or cotton candy.. I don't know how to describe it better than
that, so hopefully someone knows what I mean.
Anyway, what sort of function is generating these?
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A fractal pigment?
POV-Ray has so many built in fractal patterns that you can use to displace an iso
#local j=text{ttf"arial""JRG".2,0}#local J=0;#while(J<10)#local R=0;#while
(R<2)#local G=0;#while(G<1)#if(inside(j<R,G.1>))object{j scale.025translate
<R-1G-J/20J/-40+2>pigment{rgb<9J>}}#debug"O"#else#debug" "#end#local G=G+
.025;#end#local R=R+.05;#debug"\n"#end#local J=J+1;#end// JRG
Home: http://digilander.iol.it/jrgpov //New: Kitchen scene WIP
"Xplo Eristotle" <inq### [at] unforgettable com> ha scritto nel messaggio
> I've seen a lot of examples of isosurfaces that are supposedly made with
> fractals and have kind of a round "whirled" look, like a screw or
> seashell or cotton candy.. I don't know how to describe it better than
> that, so hopefully someone knows what I mean.
> Anyway, what sort of function is generating these?
> -Xplo
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Xplo Eristotle wrote:
> I've seen a lot of examples of isosurfaces that are supposedly made with
> fractals and have kind of a round "whirled" look, like a screw or
> seashell or cotton candy.. I don't know how to describe it better than
> that, so hopefully someone knows what I mean.
> Anyway, what sort of function is generating these?
"These" are created using the built in julia fractal object.
// create a 3-D slice of a 4-D julia fractal object
julia_fractal {
max_iteration 8
precision 20
pigment{rgb 1}
Ken Tyler
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JRG wrote:
> A fractal pigment?
> POV-Ray has so many built in fractal patterns that you can use to displace an iso
> plane.
This is usually not a good idea, because fractal patterns contain
non-continuous areas which lead to infinite gradients in isosurfaces.
Christoph Hormann <chr### [at] gmx de>
IsoWood include, radiosity tutorial, TransSkin and other
things on: http://www.schunter.etc.tu-bs.de/~chris/
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