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Well, I did. approx. 3000x3000 large image of some dull, strange castle.
Took about 20 seconds to trace it! Wish I could plug myself into the
Have you ever dreamed Pov-Ray?
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> Well, I did. approx. 3000x3000 large image of some dull, strange castle.
> Took about 20 seconds to trace it! Wish I could plug myself into the
> CPU.
> Have you ever dreamed Pov-Ray?
Only doing reverse csg on objects :)
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> > Have you ever dreamed Pov-Ray?
Sure. I don't remember a particular dream but it happens that I wake up in
the morning full of math in my head, so I think the clock that I am
watching, is part of a formula in Pov.. The formula I worked on the day
before.. And it takes time before I realize what it says.. It says I have to
get up!
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I know some-one rendered a dream - well that's the other way round...
- Nekar
"Eitan Tal" <eit### [at] netvision net il> wrote in message
> Well, I did. approx. 3000x3000 large image of some dull, strange castle.
> Took about 20 seconds to trace it! Wish I could plug myself into the
> CPU.
> Have you ever dreamed Pov-Ray?
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> Only doing reverse csg on objects :)
Would the opposite of "constructive solid geometry" be "destructive solid
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> Have you ever dreamed Pov-Ray?
Just last night, in fact, and frequently at other times.
I'm doing some challenging things (for me) for my
upcoming IRTC anim entry. Last night I was dreaming
about rotatating and positioning my characters.
But that's normal for me.
In the midst of a Control Systems course at University,
one night I dreamed that I was travelling through a
feed-back loop diagram. Aparently when my wife
woke me up in the morning, I sat up and said "What
state are we in?"
Tom Bates.
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Tom Bates wrote:
> But that's normal for me.
> In the midst of a Control Systems course at University,
> one night I dreamed that I was travelling through a
> feed-back loop diagram. Aparently when my wife
> woke me up in the morning, I sat up and said "What
> state are we in?"
Reminds me of some of the dreams I had where it was almost like normal
waking, except I noticed myself trying to remember which Java style
object methods to invoke on my wife.
Jon A. Cruz
A world without string is Chaos. - R. Smuntz
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This isn't quite what you meant, but just this morning I was walking
into Uni, and I walked past a huge puddle (Irish weather!). This is my
train of thought, as it actually went...
[T+000ms]: My, that's one mother of a puddle.
[T+092ms]: Not very realistic; should have been smaller.
[T+273ms]: Nice normal effect! Is that the built-in ripples?
[T+384ms]: The highlights are a little too big.
[T+525ms]: Hang on...
[T+578ms]: That's a real puddle!
[T+723ms]: Better record this for the newsgroup.
Should I be worried? This isn't the first time something like this has
happpened to me...
From the Grey Knight
// Grey Knight's site of the week:
url{ "http://mathworld.wolfram.com" }
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"s1631001" wrote...
> Should I be worried? This isn't the first time something like this has
> happpened to me...
Nothing to worry about.. with a few months spending using only a scanline
renderer, you will recover ;-)
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