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Warp wrote:
> c is the speed of light in vacuum. Period. It's constant. There are no
> different c's for different media.
Well, this is only a matter of notation. I have had teachers
that used c0 for "your" c, and "c" for Jamie's c. I've also
had other teachers that used "c" for "your" c and "c'" for
Adrien Beau adr### [at] free fr http://adrien.beau.free.fr/
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I seldom use this one but here goes
/* Nekar Xenos */#local N=<-20,40,100>;#local K=<20,-40,100>;#local R=seed(0);
blob{#while((K-N).x>0)#local X=N;#local N=N+<rand(R),rand(R),1>/3;#local N=(
vlength(N-K)<vlength(X-K)?N:2*X-N);sphere{<N.y,-N.x,N.z>,1,1 scale .02}sphere{N
,1,1 scale.02}sphere{<-N.x-40,N.y,N.z>1,1 scale.01}sphere{<N.x+40,-N.y,N.z>1,1
scale.01 }#end pigment{rgbt 1}interior{media{emission <2,4,5>*5}}hollow}
"s1631001" <s16### [at] namtar qub ac uk> wrote in message
news:3C0### [at] namtar qub ac uk...
> Ron Parker wrote:
> > I was right there with you right up to the point where you mentioned
> > tachyons, which haven't been proven to exist.
> I was using the word tachyon to refer to a particle travelling faster
> than local c. Sorry, that wasn't very nice of me...
> BTW: I'm trying to put together a collection of all the news.povray.org
> signatures; does anyone care?
> --
> From the Grey Knight
> file://@---signature---
> contact{ email "gre### [at] yahoo com" }
> // Grey Knight's site of the week:
> url{ "http://mathworld.wolfram.com" }
Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.298 / Virus Database: 161 - Release Date: 2001/11/13
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That is quite bizarre. Intererstingly, the encoded message is almost
pronouncable in places...
Here's my Big List of Sig's so far. If your favourite isn't on it, let
me know.
Now I just need to make my _own_ POV-Sig...
"Rick [Kitty5]" wrote:
> Carson radiation (BTW; the froth C shovel orderly have no irate "^"
> above it, rare in Unicode:010C) vs. nasal big the fib that tracing
> (FTL
> particles) have no entire-imaginary opal energy, ant they can
> curtly accelerate big LOSING energy; this vs. giver off abs Carson
> radiation
> I thing this tires owl ape moron sane if. it wax ROT-13'd
> hmm - unscrambling and spellchecking the scrambled spellchecked message is
> rather interesting
> (sowwy)
> --
> Rick
> Kitty5 WebDesign - http://Kitty5.com
> POV-Ray News & Resources - http://Povray.co.uk
> TEL : +44 (01270) 501101 - FAX : +44 (01270) 251105 - ICQ : 15776037
> PGP Public Key
> http://pgpkeys.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x231E1CEA
From the Grey Knight
contact{ email "gre### [at] yahoo com" }
// Grey Knight's site of the week:
url{ "http://mathworld.wolfram.com" }
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Sorry, I was in a rush to get home so I just used "local c" instead of
"local speed of light" for brevity.
Warp wrote:
> s1631001 <s16### [at] namtar qub ac uk> wrote:
> : I was using the word tachyon to refer to a particle travelling faster
> : than local c.
> "Local c"? I think that's a misleading term as c is constant. Always.
> --
> #macro N(D,I)#if(I<6)cylinder{M()#local D[I]=div(D[I],104);M().5,2pigment{
> rgb M()}}N(D,(D[I]>99?I:I+1))#end#end#macro M()<mod(D[I],13)-6,mod(div(D[I
> ],13),8)-3,10>#end blob{N(array[6]{11117333955,
> 7382340,3358,3900569407,970,4254934330},0)}// - Warp -
From the Grey Knight
contact{ email "gre### [at] yahoo com" }
// Grey Knight's site of the week:
url{ "http://mathworld.wolfram.com" }
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s1631001 wrote:
> Here's my Big List of Sig's so far.
"Grey Knight"
email "gre### [at] yahoo com"
url "http://mathworld.wolfram.com"
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"s1631001" <s16### [at] namtar qub ac uk> wrote in message
> That is quite bizarre. Intererstingly, the encoded message is almost
> pronouncable in places...
> Here's my Big List of Sig's so far. If your favourite isn't on it, let
> me know.
> Now I just need to make my _own_ POV-Sig...
Where? I don't see anything...
/* Nekar Xenos */#local N=<-20,40,100>;#local K=<20,-40,100>;#local R=seed(0);
blob{#while((K-N).x>0)#local X=N;#local N=N+<rand(R),rand(R),1>/3;#local N=(
vlength(N-K)<vlength(X-K)?N:2*X-N);sphere{<N.y,-N.x,N.z>,1,1 scale .02}sphere{N
,1,1 scale.02}sphere{<-N.x-40,N.y,N.z>1,1 scale.01}sphere{<N.x+40,-N.y,N.z>1,1
scale.01 }#end pigment{rgbt 1}interior{media{emission <2,4,5>*5}}hollow}
Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.298 / Virus Database: 161 - Release Date: 2001/11/13
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Adrien Beau <adr### [at] free fr> wrote:
: Well, this is only a matter of notation. I have had teachers
: that used c0 for "your" c, and "c" for Jamie's c. I've also
: had other teachers that used "c" for "your" c and "c'" for
: Jamie's.
c can't be anything else than the speed of light in vacuum.
The energy of an object moving at speed v is:
E = mc^2/sqrt(1-v^2/c^2)
You can easily calculate the energy of a (massive) object moving at c
and at a speed higher than c (well, the last one may not be that easy).
#macro N(D,I)#if(I<6)cylinder{M()#local D[I]=div(D[I],104);M().5,2pigment{
rgb M()}}N(D,(D[I]>99?I:I+1))#end#end#macro M()<mod(D[I],13)-6,mod(div(D[I
],13),8)-3,10>#end blob{N(array[6]{11117333955,
7382340,3358,3900569407,970,4254934330},0)}// - Warp -
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Where's my sig?
#macro N(D,I)#if(I<6)cylinder{M()#local D[I]=div(D[I],104);M().5,2pigment{
rgb M()}}N(D,(D[I]>99?I:I+1))#end#end#macro M()<mod(D[I],13)-6,mod(div(D[I
],13),8)-3,10>#end blob{N(array[6]{11117333955,
7382340,3358,3900569407,970,4254934330},0)}// - Warp -
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Strange, since it was your sig inspired me to start this. Well, your old
one was in it, and I've just added your current one to it as well.
):_;i&&_>1;printf("%s",_-70?_&1?"[]":" ":(_=0,"\n")),_/=2);} /*- Warp
"Grey Knight"
contact{ email "gre### [at] yahoo com" }
site_of_week{ url "http://mathworld.wolfram.com" }
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