I'm not at ease to have to choose between the suggested designs.
Some share common ideas, some have one aspect (i.e. the backside
of #1) that a lot of people would like to see in other designs.
Like a lot of you, I would like this one plus the backside of
that one, and without color please, except in the center.
I know Chris Cason is running out of time, but I would like to
see what features you like the most (and which ones you dislike)
so maybe they can be merged in a final design.
Here are some notable traits I noticed in the designs.
* Overal form
#1 and #10 are based around a more or less pronounced "10" shape.
The others are more or less oval or circular, except #6.
What do you prefer?
- "10" shape
- oval/circle
- #6
* Logo
#1, #9, #10, #11 and (almost) #12 only use the "P" POV logo. #6
and #7 use the complete "Persistence of Vision" logo.
What do you prefer?
- the "P" logo
- the "Persistence of Vision" logo
* Backside
There seems to be two diverging opinions expressed in the answer
to Chris Cason's surveys. A lot of you would like to have the
"You know you've been..." text on the backside. Another lot of
you prefer simplicity and like the backside of #1, and #9 and #11
for that.
What do you prefer?
- "You know you've been..."
- #1 or similar (e.g. #7)
- same sides (#9 and #11?)
* Color
Opinions seem to diverge a lot as for colors. I personally wonder
if the colors we see on the designs will be correctly reproduced,
having had some bad experiences in the printing industry. I wonder
if the enamel will last long, having had several keyrings' enamels
that popped off quickly, leaving me with lowered areas instead of
color. Still usable, but better had a colorless keyring from the
What do you prefer?
- No colors
- Colors
* Size
This seems to be only a matter of scale <...>. But what size would
you like? From personnal experience, I think that "normal" size
is around 1 inch (2.5 cm) for a circle, around 1.5 inches (less than
4 cm) for the largest dimension of an oval, and perhaps 2 inches
(5 cm) for an elongated design like #6. But this is from an
European/French point of vue, maybe things are bigger in the US...
What do you prefer?
- smaller (designs will probably need to be simplified)
- around the suggested sizes
- larger
- much larger
Well, I think I've had most areas covered, and would now
like to hear from you.
Adrien Beau adr### [at] free fr http://adrien.beau.free.fr/
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