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The POV-Ray Technical Assistance Group [TAG] has a new member. Join
me in welcoming Gilles Tran to our group. Gilles brings with him many
years of experience using POV-Ray and his talent with the program is
well known. Gilles is quite active in the French POV-Ray community and
this will give us greater strength as a team for providing support to
one of POV-Ray's largest foreign language groups.
As with the other TAG members Gilles has the authority to speak for
the POV-Team on this news server and will be helping to offer better
communications and support between the POV-Team and the POV-Ray users
in our community.
The POV-Ray Technical Assistance Group members are:
Gilles Tran
Margus Ramst
Peter Popov
Chris Huff
Chris Colefax
Ken Tyler
If you are unfamiliar with the purpose of the TAG visit this link to see
our web page - http://tag.povray.org
Ken Tyler - POV-Ray Technical Assistance Group
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Adrien Beau adr### [at] free fr http://adrien.beau.free.fr/
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Congratulations Gilles!
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Congratulations Gilles :-)
"Ken" <tyl### [at] pacbell net> escreveu na mensagem
> Greetings,
> The POV-Ray Technical Assistance Group [TAG] has a new member. Join
> me in welcoming Gilles Tran to our group. Gilles brings with him many
> years of experience using POV-Ray and his talent with the program is
> well known. Gilles is quite active in the French POV-Ray community and
> this will give us greater strength as a team for providing support to
> one of POV-Ray's largest foreign language groups.
> As with the other TAG members Gilles has the authority to speak for
> the POV-Team on this news server and will be helping to offer better
> communications and support between the POV-Team and the POV-Ray users
> in our community.
> The POV-Ray Technical Assistance Group members are:
> Warp
> Gilles Tran
> Margus Ramst
> Peter Popov
> Chris Huff
> Chris Colefax
> Ken Tyler
> If you are unfamiliar with the purpose of the TAG visit this link to see
> our web page - http://tag.povray.org
> --
> Ken Tyler - POV-Ray Technical Assistance Group
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Poor Giles, I would not wish this fate upon him.
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Ken wrote:
> Greetings,
> The POV-Ray Technical Assistance Group [TAG] has a new member. Join
> me in welcoming Gilles Tran to our group.
Congratulations Gilles!
May the force be with you... ;-)
> [...]
> Chris Huff
BTW, has anyone heard how Chris is doing on college? It's about two month
now since he left IIRC.
Christoph Hormann <chr### [at] gmx de>
IsoWood include, radiosity tutorial, TransSkin and other
things on: http://www.schunter.etc.tu-bs.de/~chris/
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in news:3BDC387B.F3F40EE7@pacbell.net Ken wrote:
> Join
> me in welcoming Gilles Tran to our group.
I wish you strength, wisdom and patience.
Photography: http://members.home.nl/ingoogni/
Pov-Ray : http://members.home.nl/seed7/
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Christoph Hormann wrote:
> > Chris Huff
> BTW, has anyone heard how Chris is doing on college? It's about two month
> now since he left IIRC.
To be truthful we haven't heard a word from him since he left. I am not
sure if he is having connection problems at his school or he is just too
busy with school work right now to check in. I suspect we will hear from
him when he gets time off from school at Christmas. Or maybe not?
Ken Tyler
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Fantastic stuff. Congratulations Gilles, you deserve it.
PS Sorry Ken for the email - I shall now delete the "reply" button to
stop this happening again. I seem to keep doing it :(
Ken <tyl### [at] pacbell net> wrote in message
> Greetings,
> The POV-Ray Technical Assistance Group [TAG] has a new member. Join
> me in welcoming Gilles Tran to our group. Gilles brings with him many
> years of experience using POV-Ray and his talent with the program is
> well known. Gilles is quite active in the French POV-Ray community and
> this will give us greater strength as a team for providing support to
> one of POV-Ray's largest foreign language groups.
> As with the other TAG members Gilles has the authority to speak for
> the POV-Team on this news server and will be helping to offer better
> communications and support between the POV-Team and the POV-Ray users
> in our community.
> The POV-Ray Technical Assistance Group members are:
> Warp
> Gilles Tran
> Margus Ramst
> Peter Popov
> Chris Huff
> Chris Colefax
> Ken Tyler
> If you are unfamiliar with the purpose of the TAG visit this link to
> our web page - http://tag.povray.org
> --
> Ken Tyler - POV-Ray Technical Assistance Group
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Andrew wrote:
> PS Sorry Ken for the email - I shall now delete the "reply" button to
> stop this happening again. I seem to keep doing it :(
Don't sweat it. I do it occasionally myself.
Ken Tyler
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