Call me a pickled kiwi if I h'ain't just realised what by changin't
way I throw things together into a CSG, I can speed up my renderin'
a whole heck of a lot!
...that is to say, instead of constructing a top, middle, and bottom
pieces of a shell and merging them into one hull, with the t & b
being a sphere differenced from a larger one, then chopped with
a cylinder, I took two spheres and one cylinder and did an intersect,
then repeated for the inside space...
Really astonishing how much both the render AND Moray-response time
go up! :b....
Tim Cook
Version: 3.12
GFA dpu- s: a?-- C++(++++) U P? L E--- W++(+++)>$
N++ o? K- w(+) O? M-(--) V? PS+(+++) PE(--) Y(--)
PGP-(--) t* 5++>+++++ X+ R* tv+ b++(+++) DI
D++(---) G(++) e*>++ h+ !r--- !y--
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