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Does anyone could give me
some "basic" principles about Array !
I draw a 3d zero and a 3d one, which objects
can be choosen randomly from a macro....
The macro is done and works well.
Each time I need a number, the macro
randomly return a zero or a one.
I only need to put this "binary_01 ( )" macro
inside an array, say, 20*20.
Alex Pilote
...I know I could use a loop....
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F.Audet <flo### [at] sympatico ca> wrote:
: ...I know I could use a loop....
So why don't you do it?
#macro N(D,I)#if(I<6)cylinder{M()#local D[I]=div(D[I],104);M().5,2pigment{
rgb M()}}N(D,(D[I]>99?I:I+1))#end#end#macro M()<mod(D[I],13)-6,mod(div(D[I
],13),8)-3,10>#end blob{N(array[6]{11117333955,
7382340,3358,3900569407,970,4254934330},0)}// - Warp -
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I think he meant: "...I know I should use a loop..."
"Warp" <war### [at] tag povray org> ha scritto nel messaggio
> F.Audet <flo### [at] sympatico ca> wrote:
> : ...I know I could use a loop....
> So why don't you do it?
> --
> #macro N(D,I)#if(I<6)cylinder{M()#local D[I]=div(D[I],104);M().5,2pigment{
> rgb M()}}N(D,(D[I]>99?I:I+1))#end#end#macro M()<mod(D[I],13)-6,mod(div(D[I
> ],13),8)-3,10>#end blob{N(array[6]{11117333955,
> 7382340,3358,3900569407,970,4254934330},0)}// - Warp -
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"F.Audet" <flo### [at] sympatico ca> ha scritto nel messaggio
> Does anyone could give me
> some "basic" principles about Array !
> I draw a 3d zero and a 3d one, which objects
> can be choosen randomly from a macro....
> The macro is done and works well.
> Each time I need a number, the macro
> randomly return a zero or a one.
> I only need to put this "binary_01 ( )" macro
> inside an array, say, 20*20.
> Alex Pilote
> ...I know I could use a loop....
In fact:
#declare YOUR_ARRAY = array[20][20]
#declare i = 0;
#while (i<20)
#declare j=0;
#while (j<20)
#declare YOUR_ARRAY[i][j]= binary_01();
#declare j=j+1;
#declare i=i+1;
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> "F.Audet" <flo### [at] sympatico ca> ha scritto nel messaggio
> news:3BC9AFCA.9B469579@sympatico.ca...
> > Does anyone could give me
> > some "basic" principles about Array !
> >
> > I draw a 3d zero and a 3d one, which objects
> > can be choosen randomly from a macro....
> > The macro is done and works well.
> > Each time I need a number, the macro
> > randomly return a zero or a one.
> > I only need to put this "binary_01 ( )" macro
> > inside an array, say, 20*20.
> >
> > Alex Pilote
> >
> > ...I know I could use a loop....
> In fact:
> #declare YOUR_ARRAY = array[20][20]
> #declare i = 0;
> #while (i<20)
> #declare j=0;
> #while (j<20)
> #declare YOUR_ARRAY[i][j]= binary_01();
> #declare j=j+1;
> #end
> #declare i=i+1;
> #end
> Done.
I don't know why, but this code doesn't work
with the object which I have to reproduce....
I have also tried this code with a simple sphere;
it doesn' t work anymore.
So, is there another way of using Array
without using the while directive ?!?
Thank you, Alex
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On Sun, 14 Oct 2001 20:35:01 -0400, F.Audet wrote:
>I don't know why, but this code doesn't work
>with the object which I have to reproduce....
>I have also tried this code with a simple sphere;
>it doesn' t work anymore.
>So, is there another way of using Array
>without using the while directive ?!?
Is the problem perhaps that you're trying to do it with beta 5 of POV 3.5?
There was a problem with #while loops that caused crashes; it's been fixed
in beta 6.
#macro R(L P)sphere{L F}cylinder{L P F}#end#macro P(V)merge{R(z+a z)R(-z a-z)R(a
-z-z-z a+z)torus{1F clipped_by{plane{a 0}}}translate V}#end#macro Z(a F T)merge{
P(z+a)P(z-a)R(-z-z-x a)pigment{rgbf 1}hollow interior{media{emission 3-T}}}#end
Z(-x-x.2x)camera{location z*-10rotate x*90normal{bumps.02scale.05}}
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> On Sun, 14 Oct 2001 20:35:01 -0400, F.Audet wrote:
> >I don't know why, but this code doesn't work
> >with the object which I have to reproduce....
> >I have also tried this code with a simple sphere;
> >it doesn' t work anymore.
> >
> >So, is there another way of using Array
> >without using the while directive ?!?
> Is the problem perhaps that you're trying to do it with beta 5 of POV 3.5?
> There was a problem with #while loops that caused crashes; it's been fixed
> in beta 6.
No, I am still working with the 3.1 version because my computer does
not accept 800*600 screen minimum requirement... I plan to solve
this problem soon, with a more recent computer...
I decided to do what I wanted to do in simulating an array
with two #while loops, and it finally worked.
But if you could see why the famous array
did not work, here is the code :
#declare s1 = seed(1);
#macro bin_01 () // note that it works well with a simple while, without array....
#local obj_temp =
#if ( rand(s1) <= 0.5 )
object { nice_zero }
object { nice_one }
object { obj_temp }
#declare YOUR_ARRAY = array[20][20]
#declare i = 0;
#while (i<20)
#declare j=0;
#while (j<20)
#declare YOUR_ARRAY[i][j] = bin_01()
#declare j=j+1;
#declare i=i+1;
> Alex Pilot
> --
> #macro R(L P)sphere{L F}cylinder{L P F}#end#macro P(V)merge{R(z+a z)R(-z a-z)R(a
> -z-z-z a+z)torus{1F clipped_by{plane{a 0}}}translate V}#end#macro Z(a F T)merge{
> P(z+a)P(z-a)R(-z-z-x a)pigment{rgbf 1}hollow interior{media{emission 3-T}}}#end
> Z(-x-x.2x)camera{location z*-10rotate x*90normal{bumps.02scale.05}}
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On Sun, 14 Oct 2001 21:39:23 -0400, F.Audet wrote:
>I decided to do what I wanted to do in simulating an array
>with two #while loops, and it finally worked.
>But if you could see why the famous array
>did not work, here is the code :
Maybe something having to do with returning a local from a macro; this might
have been a bug in 3.1 as well. Try rewriting the macro like this:
>#declare s1 = seed(1);
>#macro bin_01 () // note that it works well with a simple while, without array....
> #if ( rand(s1) <= 0.5 )
> object { nice_zero }
> #else
> object { nice_one }
> #end
#macro R(P)z+_(P)_(P)_(P+1)_(P+1)+z#end#macro Q(C)bicubic_patch{type 1u_steps 6
v_steps 6R(1)R(3)R(5)R(7)translate 9*z-2pigment{rgb z}}#end#macro _(Y)#local X=
asc(substr(C,Y,1))-65;<mod(X,4)div(X,4)>#end#local O=union{Q("ABEFUQWS")Q(// RON
"WSXTLOJN")}Q("JNKLCGCD")union{O}union{O translate 3*x}light_source{x 1}//PARKER
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> On Sun, 14 Oct 2001 21:39:23 -0400, F.Audet wrote:
> >I decided to do what I wanted to do in simulating an array
> >with two #while loops, and it finally worked.
> >But if you could see why the famous array
> >did not work, here is the code :
> Maybe something having to do with returning a local from a macro; this might
> have been a bug in 3.1 as well. Try rewriting the macro like this:
> >
> >#declare s1 = seed(1);
> >#macro bin_01 ()
> > #if ( rand(s1) <= 0.5 )
> > object { nice_zero }
> > #else
> > object { nice_one }
> > #end
> >#end
... It does parse and trace, but nothing appears on the screen.
Messages: 1 frame level object; 1 infinite. // my plane object !
... I think it is my fault, cause I just tried, a minute ago, with
a simple csg object, without any kind of randomness and #local,
and it doesn' t work anymore !
in fact, the following code doesn' t work at all...
#declare YOUR_ARRAY = array[20][20]
#declare i = 0;
#while (i<20)
#declare j=0;
#while (j<20)
#declare YOUR_ARRAY[i][j] = sphere { 0, 1 pigment { White }}
#declare j=j+1;
#declare i=i+1;
Have I to put it into "object {YOUR_ARRAY}", or something like that ?!?
Alex Pilot
> --
> #macro R(P)z+_(P)_(P)_(P+1)_(P+1)+z#end#macro Q(C)bicubic_patch{type 1u_steps 6
> v_steps 6R(1)R(3)R(5)R(7)translate 9*z-2pigment{rgb z}}#end#macro _(Y)#local X=
> asc(substr(C,Y,1))-65;<mod(X,4)div(X,4)>#end#local O=union{Q("ABEFUQWS")Q(// RON
> "WSXTLOJN")}Q("JNKLCGCD")union{O}union{O translate 3*x}light_source{x 1}//PARKER
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I didn't try it, but it seems to me that if you are using somewhere in the
#declare toto = sphere{0*x,r}
there is not any object in the scene until you write
object { toto }
It should be the same with your code.
"F.Audet" <flo### [at] sympatico ca> wrote in message
> > On Sun, 14 Oct 2001 21:39:23 -0400, F.Audet wrote:
> > >I decided to do what I wanted to do in simulating an array
> > >with two #while loops, and it finally worked.
> > >But if you could see why the famous array
> > >did not work, here is the code :
> >
> > Maybe something having to do with returning a local from a macro; this
> > have been a bug in 3.1 as well. Try rewriting the macro like this:
> >
> > >
> > >#declare s1 = seed(1);
> > >#macro bin_01 ()
> > > #if ( rand(s1) <= 0.5 )
> > > object { nice_zero }
> > > #else
> > > object { nice_one }
> > > #end
> > >#end
> >
> ... It does parse and trace, but nothing appears on the screen.
> Messages: 1 frame level object; 1 infinite. // my plane object !
> ... I think it is my fault, cause I just tried, a minute ago, with
> a simple csg object, without any kind of randomness and #local,
> and it doesn' t work anymore !
> in fact, the following code doesn' t work at all...
> #declare YOUR_ARRAY = array[20][20]
> #declare i = 0;
> #while (i<20)
> #declare j=0;
> #while (j<20)
> #declare YOUR_ARRAY[i][j] = sphere { 0, 1 pigment { White }}
> #declare j=j+1;
> #end
> #declare i=i+1;
> #end
> Have I to put it into "object {YOUR_ARRAY}", or something like that ?!?
> Alex Pilot
> >
> > --
> > #macro R(P)z+_(P)_(P)_(P+1)_(P+1)+z#end#macro Q(C)bicubic_patch{type
1u_steps 6
> > v_steps 6R(1)R(3)R(5)R(7)translate 9*z-2pigment{rgb z}}#end#macro
_(Y)#local X=
> > asc(substr(C,Y,1))-65;<mod(X,4)div(X,4)>#end#local
O=union{Q("ABEFUQWS")Q(// RON
> > "WSXTLOJN")}Q("JNKLCGCD")union{O}union{O translate 3*x}light_source{x
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