POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.general : Discord Server : Re: Discord Server Server Time
12 Nov 2024 11:46:38 EST (-0500)
  Re: Discord Server  
From: jr
Date: 13 Sep 2024 12:40:00
Message: <web.66e469db3ef3ab14f5bfc9b06cde94f1@news.povray.org>

Saul Luizaga <sau### [at] gmailcom> wrote:
> On 13/9/2024 11:45, Bald Eagle wrote:
> > Saul Luizaga <sau### [at] gmailcom> wrote:
> >> On 8/9/2024 08:05, tTh wrote:
> >>> On 9/7/24 18:57, ingo wrote:
> >
> >>>> We communicate nearly as slow as we render, so no need for real time
> >>>> chat.
> >
> > Usually true - unless there's something under development by 2 or more people.
> > Then the posting to forum method is annoyingly slow.
> >
> >> That nobody uses, IRC is ancient rustic and nobody cares for it; if you
> >> less attention from the Internet, keep ignoring current trends
> >
> > Project management software has been suggested before, and would facilitate
> > working on small group or POV-Ray 4.0 development, in the instances where people
> > needed to iterate with realtime feedback while they had the opportunity, lest it
> > expire and real life once again took priority.
> > ...
> > It would be great if the chat logs could be saved and archived, so that the
> > development, debugging, and solution(s) would be available to the community
> > afterwards.  I'd hate to lose that aspect of the forum posts.
> >
> People just opposed like morons: hey bunch of, what part of
> irrelevant/casual chat you didn't get? my post clearly states that; it
> attracts people, it's like a online FAQ and might get more people
> involved in every capacity: users and devs. of it, which is what this
> project needs to stay alive.

thing is, POV-Ray is "open source".  the "idea" is that _you_ (too) will engage,
give your time and work.  re the service you champion, why do you not start a
decent POV-Ray "hangout" on Discord, and see how it develops ?  agree though
that additional "outlets" for users and or developers to meet is a good idea.
(the English say "putting your money where your mouth is" ;-))

> If you ignore the message and just justify a negative 'coz it's the sum
> of all your fears, it is in fact, still a dumbass answer get it? Noen of
> you gave a valid justification, just "No" 'coz you want to touch my whee
> whee or something equally stupid

grow up.  it's "ok" to say/write "penis".  it is, after all, a dictionary word.

regards, jr.

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