"Leroy" <whe### [at] gmailcom> wrote:
> #if(Bs="tga") tga File #end
> #if(Bs="bmp") bmp File #end
> #if(Bs="pgm") pgm File #end
> #if(Bs="png") png File #end
> #if(Bs="ppm") ppm File #end
> #if(Bs="jpg") jpeg File #end
> #if(Bs="exr") exr File #end
> #if(Bs="hdr") hdr File #end
> #if(Bs="gif") gif File #end
> #if(Bs="iff") iff File #end
> #if(Bs="tif") tiff File #end
AFAIK, you don't need any of this stuff any more, because POV-Ray automatically
determines the file type, and so those keywords can be omitted.
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