For all those playing with height_fields here a mac I wrote long ago to help
load the image for a height field
#macro Image(File)
#local L=strlen(File);
#local Out=-1;
#local Cnt = L;
#while (Cnt >0)
#local Out=Cnt;
#local Cnt =0;
#local Cnt = Cnt-1;
#if(Out<0) #debug concat ("\nFile :: "File," :: Failed\n\n") #error "Image_Map
File bad" #end
#local Cnt =L-Out;
#local Bs=strlwr(substr(File,Out+1,Cnt)) //#debug concat("\n__",Bs,"___\n")
#if(Bs="tga") tga File #end
#if(Bs="bmp") bmp File #end
#if(Bs="pgm") pgm File #end
#if(Bs="png") png File #end
#if(Bs="ppm") ppm File #end
#if(Bs="jpg") jpeg File #end
#if(Bs="exr") exr File #end
#if(Bs="hdr") hdr File #end
#if(Bs="gif") gif File #end
#if(Bs="iff") iff File #end
#if(Bs="tif") tiff File #end
#declare Image_Type=Bs;// Type string that can be used else where
How to use:
#declare FileStr="Image.tga"
height_field{Image(Filestr} ...
#declare PigFnc=function{pigment{image_map{Image(FileStr)}}}
height_field {function 400,400{ PigFnc(x,y) }
Hope this can be some help.
I have tested all the files except the "iff" type. I have nothing that can
produce them. Does any one use 'iff' any more?
The 'gif' & 'tif' files where hard to find in my files as I rarely use them any
more. All the rest where made with POV.
Have Fun!
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