"David Kraics" <bar### [at] aolcom> wrote:
> I did a render of my high school but didn't add the cyclone fencing because the
> thought of that many calculations frightens me. Is there a way to cheat a
> cyclone fence since the school is seen from a distance?
Quick and dirty, but accurate and to scale.
Should give a solid start. :)
#version 3.8;
global_settings {assumed_gamma 1.0}
#include "shapes3.inc"
camera {
location <0, 48, -96>
right x*image_width/image_height
look_at <0, 24, 0>
light_source {<-140, 200, -300> rgb 1 shadowless}
#declare RH =
union {
object {Segment_of_Torus (
0.15, // radius major,
0.15/2, // radius minor,
-90 // segment angle (in degrees)
rotate y*45
rotate -x*45
translate -x*0.15
//cylinder {<0, 0, 0.15>, <-2, 0, 0.15> 0.15/2}
cylinder {<0, 0, 0.15>, <-2, 0, 0.15> 0.15/2 rotate -z*45}
#declare LH =
union {
object {Segment_of_Torus (
0.15, // radius major,
0.15/2, // radius minor,
-90 // segment angle (in degrees)
rotate -y*90
rotate -y*45
rotate x*45
translate x*0.15
cylinder {<0, 0, 0.15>, <2, 0, 0.15> 0.15/2 rotate z*45 translate -z*0.15*3/2}
//scale <1, 1, -1>
#declare Coil1 =
union {
#for (n, 1, 17)
object {RH translate y*n*1.4*2}
object {LH translate y*(1.4 + n*1.4*2) translate -x*1.4}
pigment {rgb <1, 0.7, 0>}
#declare Coil2 = object {Coil1 scale <-1, 1, 1>}
#declare Pair =
union {
object {Coil1}
object {Coil2 translate -x*0.15}
#for (N, -20, 20)
object {Pair translate x*(1.4-0.15)*N*2}
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