POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.general : Importing an image to use on pov ray and overlaying a line : Importing an image to use on pov ray and overlaying a line Server Time
8 Oct 2024 08:25:07 EDT (-0400)
  Importing an image to use on pov ray and overlaying a line  
From: 6digit
Date: 17 Jul 2022 11:45:00
Message: <web.62d42d79b67b6e84eb0f47cfb08dd02@news.povray.org>
Good evening,

I'm new to pov ray, so I need help with some issues.
1. how do I import an image into pov ray so I can overlay an object on it. I
have tried and used various threads. one suggested using something called screen
inc. the issue I'm having with this, is when I try to edit the camera it doesn't
seem to take any effect. so I was wondering if there's any other way of doing
this or could explain how the screen inc works.

2. if I do import the image how do I draw a simple line overlayed on the image.
also, I have looked at many threads. they too suggested drawing a very tin box.
is there another way to do this?

thank you.

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