POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.general : disc-swapping when rendering: some odd behavior : disc-swapping when rendering: some odd behavior Server Time
6 Oct 2024 03:53:46 EDT (-0400)
  disc-swapping when rendering: some odd behavior  
From: Kenneth
Date: 5 Oct 2020 20:05:00
Message: <web.5f7bb38e951459d8d98418910@news.povray.org>
I have a mystery.

When I occasionally run a *BIG* scene in POV-ray on my Win 7 computer, a scene
that gobbles up all my RAM, the expected *slow* disc-swapping naturally occurs
-- the shuffling-off of memory needs etc to the hard-drive  (I'm still using an
'antiquated' mechanical one, not a SSD).

What's mysterious is that my computer *continues* to disc-swap with any/all of
my other apps, even after the render is finished, and even after I shut down
POV-ray. This also used to happen on my previous  Windows XP box, running v3.6xx
or 3.7xx, not sure which. POV-ray is the only app I use that occasionally needs
to disc-swap, although it's naturally a rare occurence.

The only way to get my computer to return to its normal behavior is to re-boot.

But this odd behavior got me to thinking: Is it possible that POV-ray is not
'releasing' its used RAM memory, once its own disc-swapping has ended? OR, is
this the expected behavior of Windows itself, for whatever reason?

Has anyone else ever noticed this?

(currently running v3.8.0-alpha9811560 64-bit)

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