POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.general : Buying a new Win 10 computer any advice? : Re: Buying a new Win 10 computer any advice? Server Time
6 Nov 2024 01:15:22 EST (-0500)
  Re: Buying a new Win 10 computer any advice?  
From: rastertastic
Date: 23 Jan 2020 14:50:05
Message: <web.5e29f892a907fc0b4ba25f660@news.povray.org>
Thanks everyone glad to hear it works. I'll likely have to settle for a
compromise but I've been poving with my old Windows 7 machine so anything will
be an improvement.

I can only hope Moray will work. I've also used Bishop3D with Povray I doubt it
will work on Win 10. If they both fail I'll have to find a different modeller.
Wings 3d or maybe Blender.

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