Le_Forgeron <lef### [at] free fr> wrote:
> Tested the 32 bits version on XP Pro.
> Looks good, but I had to manually uninstall the beta 36 first.
> (Nice complains about an already existing version of the product).
> Could it be automated (or at least ask for a confirm/cancel before
> automatically uninstall ?)
> Side note: the warning about an existing product did not specified
> clearly (in bold, flashing, red & yellow) the name of the product: I
> could have uninstalled povray 3.6 for nothing...
I'm always uninstalling each previous beta before I run the installer, so I'm
just curious if it does or does not show the Modify, Repair, Uninstall dialog if
not already uninstalled.
When going about retrying my install with the alternate location of Program
Files I had seen that, so I wondered if it can't tell if a previous beta version
exists since that appears to be what you were saying. Or maybe that it just
wasn't obvious enough about beta version/location.
Guess I'd have needed to leave the old beta in place to have observed exactly
what you had happen.
Hope I haven't confused anyone.
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