"Marc" <jac### [at] wanadoofr> wrote:
> le message de news: 45c1c908$1@news.povray.org...
> > [Followups set to povray.general]
> >
> > 1 February 2007
> > ---------------
> >
> That's a great new indeed!
> Thanks Lutz and Markus for your work.
> It must be somewhat heartbreaking to let go a child but let's hope he wil
> grow healthy :-)
> Marc
I too am pleased that Moray will continue to live and be developed. I join
Marc in thanking Lutz and Markus for their work. Moray has allowed me to
use Pov-Ray despite being challenged in the code-writing department.
Selfishly I wonder if there will still be a repository for Moray modals and
PS The fish were our pleasure :-)
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