POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.general : Some more image to POV stuff in exchange for a good name : Some more image to POV stuff in exchange for a good name Server Time
19 Jan 2025 17:08:59 EST (-0500)
  Some more image to POV stuff in exchange for a good name  
From: Ilya Razmanov
Date: 16 Dec 2024 04:37:30
Message: <675ff4da@news.povray.org>

since I'm well known for converting images to something else, POVRay 
scenes included, while thinking on my previous Python-based stuff like 
img2mesh I sort of accumulated different results of my "what if" thoughts.

To capture your attention, attached is the result of rendering of 
converting image heightfield to net structure made of cylinders (with 
sphere joints at joints. Source PNG is the same as used for my img2mesh:

I have some more of them, like constructing pseudo-heightfield from 
blobs, or constructing it from patches (very far from perfect since I'm 
out of ideas of how to interpolate/extrapolate control points), and they 
all are in "let's add this and possibly remove this but who cares about 
user-friendly layout and unused imports" status.

Anyway, back to the main topic: probably someone may find it useful for 
something (turning blurred logos into 3D scenes? Season greetings 
cards?), and surely I'm ready to share all this for free, but I don't 
want having one Github repo for each one, I'd rather prefer to pile them 
together into a single repo.

And that's where a question comes: a good short name for this 
repository. Converting 2D images into POVRay something. What could it be?

"Junk" is the name of my favorite song, so not a choice. Leftovers? 
These programs are not quite left, I may update them (not to mention 
that some people may loathe The Toad's leftovers.

Any ideas?

Ilyich the Toad

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