POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.general : Automatically named identifiers : Re: Automatically named identifiers Server Time
14 Jan 2025 01:06:11 EST (-0500)
  Re: Automatically named identifiers  
From: Cousin Ricky
Date: 5 Nov 2024 08:55:07
Message: <672a23bb$1@news.povray.org>
On 2024-11-04 18:52 (-4), Thomas Fester wrote:
> Hello everybody: I have got a (seemingly) simple programing question: Suppose I
> I want to declare a number of splines in a loop-process with one spline per
> loop. The splines should have identifiers like SplineXA, SplineXB, SplineXC and
> so on. Is there a way to automatically generate such names within the loops? At
> the moment I am only able to explicitely generate every identifier on its own.
> To make it more clear: Is it possible to have a loop for:

Would an array of splines serve your purpose?

#for (I, 0, 3)
  #declare SplineXs[I] = spline {

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