POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.general : Mesh rotation and inside_vector : Re: Mesh rotation and inside_vector Server Time
10 Oct 2024 03:32:15 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Mesh rotation and inside_vector  
From: Ilya Razmanov
Date: 22 Aug 2024 05:49:21
Message: <66c709a1$1@news.povray.org>
On 21.08.2024 22:41, Bald Eagle wrote:
> William F Pokorny <ano### [at] anonymousorg> wrote:
> (a lot of stuff)
> Well - that's a bummer.
> Maybe the thing to do (if you can tolerate the parse time and additional memory
> overhead) is a workaround by writing a macro to reinstantiate your mesh with a
> different inside_vector.
> I guess maybe you'd have to edit your mesh file to use a variable name as the
> inside_vector.  Then pass your desired rotation to the macro, have it declare
> the inside_vector as that variable, and #include the mesh file, then rotate the

I was thinking a bit in similar direction previously - if I define 
rotate vector in the beginning of the scene, and then use it as argument 
to rotate the thing, then I may probably refresh my school math 
knowledge and use the same vector to create inside one. Haven't tried it 
though, since, obviously, even I can't stop people from rotating objects 
the way they used to, i.e. first having an object, then rotating it, and 
not vs (hm, Alice, just think of rotating object before having one).

Ilyich the Toad

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