POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.general : Converting image pixels into POV-Ray spheres : Re: Converting image pixels into POV-Ray *anything* mosaic Server Time
15 Oct 2024 17:45:20 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Converting image pixels into POV-Ray *anything* mosaic  
From: Paolo Gibellini
Date: 28 Jan 2024 13:14:21
Message: <65b6997d$1@news.povray.org>
Il 28/01/2024 18:11, Ilya Razmanov ha scritto:
> Well, it should have been happen someday: to the collection of Python 
> programs for conversion of bitmap into POVRay solid objects mosaic two 
> more programs (p3zaika.py and p6zaika.py) were added, converting bitmap 
> into a pack of triangle prisms or hexagonal prisms, correspondingly 
> (sample output of p6zaika attached).
> All programs reside at
> https://github.com/Dnyarri/POVmosaic
> and may be used, modified and tortured for free.
> So, currently spheres, cubes, and two sorts of prisms are included as 
> mosaic primitives, and all regular plane partitions (3/6, 4/4 and 6/3) 
> covered. Considering the fact that POV output of these is as flexible as 
> I could imagine, so you may edit objects properties or even replace 
> objects globally, there is a vast opportunity to produce mosaic-looking 
> posters, greetings cards, ads, and, all in all, molest humans 
> graphically. Enjoy.
> Meanwhile, while POV primitives seem to be exhaused (more or less), I 
> may probably continue with something more complex. Beware.
> Ilyich the Toad
> https://github.com/Dnyarri

This is a good shot, Ilya!
Now, you can use each kind of shape, like in the old GIMP filter.
Interesting work.


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