POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.general : Scattered light : Re: Scattered light Server Time
5 Oct 2024 14:35:22 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Scattered light  
From: Alain Martel
Date: 27 Apr 2023 10:12:48
Message: <644a82e0$1@news.povray.org>
Le 2023-04-26 à 19:10, Kenneth a écrit :
> As Alain mentioned, adding 'hollow' to the right-side plane will cause the
> reflected spotlight to show up nicely in the media.
>  From playing with your code, the photon block in your 'target light source' is
> apparently not needed; the result looks the same with or without it.

Effectively. The default for all lights, except shadowless ones that 
never emit photons, is refraction on reflection on.
The photon block of light is only needed to disable reflection or 
refraction for a given light, just as done with the ambient light.
Missed that detail.

In version prior to V3.5, it was required to add a photon block to 
light_source to enable photons shooting. That's no longer needed since 
version 3.5.

Shadowless light are a special case. Those can't ever shoot photons just 
as they never cause any phong or specular highlight.

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