On 13/02/2023 20:41, Bald Eagle wrote:
> According to:
> https://wiki.povray.org/content/Reference:Height_Field
> (At the very bottom)
> "The height field object also allows for substituting a user defined function
> instead of specifying an image. That function can either be in it's literal
> form, or it can be a call to a function that you have predeclared. The user
> supplied parameters FieldResolution_X and FieldResolution_Y are integer values
> that affect the resolution of the color/index values, not size of the unscaled
> height field."
> There is, of course, no code snippet supplied, so I'm just casting about trying
> to get this to work.
> Has anyone used this method before?
Yes, but this dates back to ... 2003
Gilles Tran used this in his macro examples of "Cloud Generator"
#declare SeaBase = height_field {
function Resolution,Resolution {
(sin(y*pi*5)+1)/3+f_ridged_mf(x*14, y*30,z, 1.2,3,6,1.18,5,1)*0.55/3
// (sin(y*pi*5)*0.5+sin(x*pi*4)*0.5+1)*0.4+f_ridged_mf(x*7, y*15,z,
#if (SeaSmoothOK = 1) smooth #end
#declare TerrainBase=height_field{
function Resolution,Resolution {
f_ridged_mf( x*2, y*2, z,0.6, 3, 6, -1, 3,3 )*0.2
#if (TerrainSmoothOK=1)
translate -x*0.5
old man's words ;)
Kurtz le pirate
Compagnie de la Banquise
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