Op 05/05/2022 om 23:05 schreef Kenneth:
> Thorsten <tho### [at] trfde> wrote:
>> If you want a better distribution of the computational load, you should
>> decrease the render block size such that your object gets distributed
>> between multiple render blocks.
>> Thorsten
> That works very well, thanks! From my own 'naive' analysis, I had been wondering
> if a smaller block size would help, but I never tried it. (For my tests, I
> forgot to mention that my media object occupies about 50% of the screen space--
> unlike the OP's small object that is probably 'enclosed' by a single render
> block.) Your suggestion works in both cases, of course.
> A smaller render-block size has another great advantage: The scene renders
> faster.
> Here is my example (using scattering media):
> block size of 64 pixels: 2 mins 16 sec
> block size of 8 pixels: 1 min 10 sec
> That's a definite improvement! And my machine's processor seems to run less hot,
> based on the cooling-fan speed.
Ha! Never thought about that 'trick'!
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