POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.general : disc-swapping when rendering: some odd behavior : Re: disc-swapping when rendering: some odd behavior Server Time
6 Oct 2024 03:01:02 EDT (-0400)
  Re: disc-swapping when rendering: some odd behavior  
From: Thorsten
Date: 6 Oct 2020 03:54:55
Message: <5f7c22cf$1@news.povray.org>
On 06.10.2020 02:00, Kenneth wrote:
> But this odd behavior got me to thinking: Is it possible that POV-ray is not
> 'releasing' its used RAM memory, once its own disc-swapping has ended? OR, is
> this the expected behavior of Windows itself, for whatever reason?

No, but all your other applications have been swapped out, so it will 
take several minutes until Windows has them back in, as it only moves 
them back once the parts it moved out are actually needed. A regular 
application cannot keep memory after it has been terminated.


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