POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.general : povray vs uberpov am3 : Re: povray vs uberpov am3 Server Time
15 Feb 2025 01:02:49 EST (-0500)
  Re: povray vs uberpov am3  
From: William F Pokorny
Date: 14 Sep 2020 12:35:57
Message: <5f5f9bed$1@news.povray.org>
On 9/14/20 4:42 AM, Ton wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> when I use am3 (stochastic anti-aliasing) in the latest version (10064738), it
> is about 5 times slower then in uberpov:
> Persistence of Vision(tm) Ray Tracer Version 3.8.0-x.10064738.unofficial (g++ 7
> @ x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
> Render Time:
>    Photon Time:      No photons
>    Radiosity Time:   No radiosity
>    Trace Time:       0 hours 20 minutes  4 seconds (1204.944 seconds)
>                using 4 thread(s) with 4542.093 CPU-seconds total
> UberPOV Raytracer Version (g++ 7 @ x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
> Render Time:
>    Photon Time:      No photons
>    Radiosity Time:   No radiosity
>    Trace Time:       0 hours  3 minutes 52 seconds (232.382 seconds)
>                using 4 thread(s) with 907.615 CPU-seconds total
> Command line is:
> povray +d +p +q9 +am3 +a0.1 +ac0.9 +r6 AntiAliasingTest.pov
> uberpov +d +p +q9 +am3 +a0.1 +ac0.9 +r6 AntiAliasingTest.pov
> Does anybody have a clue why povray is so much slower?
> Cheers
> Ton

Are the results more or less similar?

I know uber differs in code structure. I've myself run across an am3 
case in v3.8 where the run time - on a solid color change - increased 
100x. Not yet dug into the latter. Beyond that, no idea.

If the AntiAliasingTest.pov scene is relatively small and self 
contained, could you post a copy? I'll at least put it in my issues 
directory, though who knows when I might take a look at it.

Bill P.

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