Le 2020-02-27 à 04:46, Mike Horvath a écrit :
> On 2/27/2020 2:29 AM, Thomas de Groot wrote:
>> Op 26/02/2020 om 15:07 schreef Mike Horvath:
>>> By default when there is a warning it does not list the line number
>>> and file that is triggering the warning. Can something like this be
>>> enabled?
>>> Mike
>> My experience is that, where possible, POV-Ray shows file name and
>> line number as a warning, e.g. when there is a mis-quote in a name
>> used in an included file. However, this is not systematic
>> unfortunately and, if I remember correctly the teachings of Clipka
>> when he was still wandering among us, this is due to the fact that a
>> warning is not always so specifically pointed to one single origin but
>> may be diffused over several areas of the program.
> I meant parse warnings, sorry.
> "Parse Warning: Should have at least 2 objects in csg."
Every times I get that warning, the source file and line number are
present. Normally, the line number reported is that of the closing
bracket of the CSG or the next one.
> "Parse Warning: Index of refraction value should be specified in
> 'interior{...}' statement. Use of this syntax may not be backwards
> compatable with earlier versions of POV-Ray. The #version directive or
> +MV switch will not
That one also normally report the source file and line number.
> help."
> Etc.
> Mike
If the warning is generated for something within a macro, then, the
source may not be the source file but the invocation of the macro file
and line number.
And, yes, there are cases when the reported line number is the very last
of the scene been rendered.
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