POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.general : Buying a new Win 10 computer any advice? : Re: Buying a new Win 10 computer any advice? Server Time
19 Jan 2025 05:30:52 EST (-0500)
  Re: Buying a new Win 10 computer any advice?  
From: Dick Balaska
Date: 22 Jan 2020 21:50:42
Message: <5e290a02$1@news.povray.org>
Am 1/22/20 3:20 PM, also sprach rastertastic:
> I'm about to buy a new home computer, does Povray usually work with Windows 10
> (home or pro) out of the box? Is there anything particular I should watch out?
> I don't have much time to play with Povray but I keep coming back to it so it
> would be a bummer if I couldn't use it on a new machine.

You haven't mentioned your target price or the primary purpose of the 

The most important thing to me is CPU.  I have a middling 6-core i5 that 
is faster than my more expensive 4 core i7.  I like that one a lot.  I 
wouldn't go less than an i5 if you can afford it.

Everything to me is secondary after that (for POV-Ray).

If you want to game, you need at least a $100 video card.

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