POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.general : Sanity-check win beta 39 : Re: Sanity-check win beta 39 Server Time
10 Feb 2025 18:17:22 EST (-0500)
  Re: Sanity-check win beta 39  
From: Le Forgeron
Date: 14 Sep 2010 03:31:50
Message: <4c8f24e6$1@news.povray.org>
Le 14/09/2010 01:08, Chris Cason a écrit :
> I've made some changes to the installer for windows beta 39 and
> would appreciate a quick sanity-check before I officially release
> it if folks have time. The files are at:

Tested the 32 bits version on XP Pro.

Looks good, but I had to manually uninstall the beta 36 first.
(Nice complains about an already existing version of the product).
Could it be automated (or at least ask for a confirm/cancel before
automatically uninstall ?)

I had no problem uninstalling (via Parameters+Add/Remove Applications),
but Joe User might not be so technically inclined. I also noticed the
uninstall menu entry.

Side note: the warning about an existing product did not specified
clearly (in bold, flashing, red & yellow) the name of the product: I
could have uninstalled povray 3.6 for nothing...

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