POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.general Server Time
19 Mar 2025 03:51:00 EDT (-0400)
  povray.general (Thread 6001 to 6050 of 10614)  
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Date Last Post Subject Author
18 May 2002 19 May 2002 Clock change causes problems (3) Harold Baize
18 May 2002 23 May 2002 ram disk (6) James Taylor
18 May 2002 19 May 2002 Mayaray available for preview!!! (5) Ahmet Oktar
17 May 2002 18 May 2002 CIE XYZ to RGB (3) Abe
17 May 2002 19 May 2002 Media interaction with Spotlights (14) Dave Bates
17 May 2002 17 May 2002 Ridged Multifractals (8) Andrew
16 May 2002 18 May 2002 web interface doesn't work without cookies (was:... (23) Lutz-Peter Hooge
16 May 2002 17 May 2002 Lights, Refraction and Photons (8) Dave Bates
16 May 2002 21 May 2002 Samuel Benge's Isosurface tutorial back online. (8) Steve
16 May 2002 18 May 2002 Radiosity (6) Timothy R Cook
16 May 2002 17 May 2002 Basic monitor calibration (it's too dark) (10) Kari Kivisalo
16 May 2002 16 May 2002 Lost POV (3) Tom Melly
14 May 2002 15 May 2002 mesh2mesh2 1.1 (beta) is here! (2) TinCanMan
14 May 2002 14 May 2002 Computer graphics course results (2) Warp
13 May 2002 13 May 2002 Shortest Code Contest clarification (3) Greg M Johnson
13 May 2002 16 May 2002 poser + maya (8) James Taylor
13 May 2002 17 May 2002 Duty-cycle (5) Tom Melly
12 May 2002 12 May 2002 Computational methods...? (4) Tim Nikias
11 May 2002 12 May 2002 Computational Fluid Dynamics (4) Slime
11 May 2002 14 May 2002 ZoomIn include file beta (2) Slime
11 May 2002 15 May 2002 3d math - line intersecting a plane (8) Ben Chambers
11 May 2002 12 May 2002 can i export from wings 3d into povray? (7) Flaming Monarch
11 May 2002 11 May 2002 poveditv3 (1) Grand père Guignot
10 May 2002 10 May 2002 if anyone has some spare time kickin around? (3) Flaming Monarch
10 May 2002 10 May 2002 group animation project (2) Mike Weber
10 May 2002 10 May 2002 poveditv2 (2) Grand père Guignot
10 May 2002 10 May 2002 highlight question (14) Tom Melly
10 May 2002 11 May 2002 julia_fractal math and quaternions (5) Karl J Anders
9 May 2002 10 May 2002 I need some help (4) Flaming Monarch
9 May 2002 10 May 2002 Beveled text and sweeps (7) PovRAY
9 May 2002 24 May 2002 Particle system beta testers wanted (10) Rune
9 May 2002 10 May 2002 Finite accuracy computing (3) Gleb
8 May 2002 9 May 2002 New editor for pov (5) Grand père Guignot
8 May 2002 8 May 2002 2nd Shortest Code Contest (3) Tom A
8 May 2002 8 May 2002 povray model of trophy (3) Eric Sorensen
8 May 2002 11 May 2002 Benge's isosurface tutorial (8) Tom Melly
7 May 2002 7 May 2002 New Section on homepage added... (1) Tim Nikias
6 May 2002 7 May 2002 Odd gray patches (3) Harold Baize
6 May 2002 6 May 2002 Pov Manager? (3) Thomas Lake
5 May 2002 5 May 2002 Announce: IsoCSG library version 0.5 (3) Christoph Hormann
4 May 2002 6 May 2002 duty cycle feature (21) Chris Cason
3 May 2002 3 May 2002 Pov-Ray, 3D Programming & Math. (5) Thomas Lake
2 May 2002 2 May 2002 Seeking Iso (4) Anthony D Baye
2 May 2002 4 May 2002 lights and tiles (13) Valdemir Carrara
2 May 2002 7 May 2002 Moving the vanishing point. (17) Corey Woodworth
2 May 2002 2 May 2002 mesh2udo:-) (3) Thomas Lake
1 May 2002 1 May 2002 dxf to pov (1) WhiteGandalf
1 May 2002 1 May 2002 glow on surfaces (1) WhiteGandalf
1 May 2002 1 May 2002 glow on surfaces (3) WhiteGandalf
1 May 2002 6 May 2002 Continue trace... Insight please (17) Tim Nikias
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