I happened to run across this in " Color Map"...
color_map { COLOR_MAP_BODY } | color_map { COLOR_MAP_BODY }
I assume that the 2nd option was meant to be...
| colour_map { COLOUR_MAP_BODY }
That's my great contribution for the day ;-)
From: clipka
Subject: Re: Color Map-- a very minor fix
Date: 3 Feb 2018 06:49:57
Message: <5a75a1e5$1@news.povray.org>
Am 03.02.2018 um 04:18 schrieb Kenneth:
> I happened to run across this in " Color Map"...> > COLOR_MAP:> color_map { COLOR_MAP_BODY } | color_map { COLOR_MAP_BODY }> > I assume that the 2nd option was meant to be...> > | colour_map { COLOUR_MAP_BODY }
Already fixed on the Wiki (which is where the docs are maintained).
clipka <ano### [at] anonymousorg> wrote:
>> Already fixed on the Wiki (which is where the docs are maintained).
Oops. This was one of the few times that I didn't check the wiki as well :-(