In this:
abs( FLOAT ) | acos( FLOAT ) | acosh( FLOAT ) | asc( STRING ) |
asin( FLOAT ) | asinh( FLOAT ) | atan( FLOAT) | atanh( FLOAT) |
atan2( FLOAT , FLOAT ) | ceil( FLOAT ) | cos( FLOAT ) |
cosh( FLOAT ) | defined(IDENTIFIER ) | degrees( FLOAT ) |
dimensions( ARRAY_IDENTIFIER ) |
dimension_size( ARRAY_IDENTIFIER , FLOAT ) |
div( FLOAT , FLOAT ) | exp( FLOAT ) | file_exists( STRING ) |
floor( FLOAT ) | int( FLOAT ) | ln(Float | log( FLOAT ) |
max( FLOAT , FLOAT, ... ) | min( FLOAT , FLOAT, ... ) |
mod( FLOAT , FLOAT ) | pow( FLOAT , FLOAT ) |
radians( FLOAT ) | rand( FLOAT ) | seed( FLOAT ) |
select( FLOAT, FLOAT, FLOAT [,FLOAT]) | sin( FLOAT ) |
sinh( FLOAT ) | sqrt( FLOAT ) | strcmp( STRING , STRING ) |
strlen( STRING ) | tan( FLOAT ) | tanh( FLOAT ) |
val( STRING ) | vdot( VECTOR , VECTOR ) | vlength( VECTOR ) |
clock | clock_delta | clock_on | false | final_clock |
final_frame | frame_number | initial_clock | initial_frame |
image_width | image_height | no | off | on | pi | true |
version | yes |
I think there are two superfluous | symbols, one at the very end, and one
before FLOAT_BUILT-IN_IDENT. And the latter shouldn't be indented if I
understand it right.
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