it follows a cut out of the User Manual:
f_helix1(x,y,z, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6)
P0 : Number of helixes - e.g. 2 for a double helix
P1 : Period - is related to the number of turns per unit length
P2 : Minor radius (major radius > minor radius)
P3 : Major radius
P4 : Shape parameter. If this is greater than 1 then the tube becomes fatter
in the y direction
P5 : Cross section type
P6 : Cross section rotation angle (degrees)
What does "is related to the number of turns per unit length " exactly mean.
a movie of a moving coil spring.
coil spring but the same number of windings.
hopefully someone is able to help me, its very urgent!!
I want to use it for a presentation of my final career project
Martin alias rossy
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Calculations are quite easy.
P1 tells Povray how many turnings per unit you want. If you, e.g.,
choose to have two turnings on your 3-unit-high helix, and your helix
iso object is four units high (i.e. along y-axis), you'll have 2 divided
by 3 rounds per pov-unit.
Let's suppose you're going to trace a helix two units high, and you want
it to turn three times around its center. Afterwards, you want that
same helix to stretch up to three units. What will you do? If you want
Hope this'll clear out doubts.
rossy wrote:
> Hallo
> it follows a cut out of the User Manual:
> f_helix1(x,y,z, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6)
> P0 : Number of helixes - e.g. 2 for a double helix
> P1 : Period - is related to the number of turns per unit length
> P2 : Minor radius (major radius > minor radius)
> P3 : Major radius
> P4 : Shape parameter. If this is greater than 1 then the tube becomes
> in the y direction
> P5 : Cross section type
> P6 : Cross section rotation angle (degrees)
> What does "is related to the number of turns per unit length "
exactly mean.
can make
> a movie of a moving coil spring.
of the
> coil spring but the same number of windings.
> hopefully someone is able to help me, its very urgent!!
> I want to use it for a presentation of my final career project
> Thanks
> Martin alias rossy
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