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There should be an additional mention of not using the averaged normals
approach, but using a single normal plus focal blur and antialiasing.
Clipka talks about this approach here:
> You need:
> (1) A way to randomize the reflection. A `normal` statement with a very
> small scale does nicely.
> (2) A way to force POV-Ray to shoot a high number of rays per pixel
> where the randomized reflection is. A small bit of focal blur (with high
> quality settings) does nicely.
> Together this gives you nice blurred reflections at a (hopefully)
> reasonable speed.
The code I used is this:
pigment { InPigment }
finish { InFinish }
normal { InNormal }
normal {bumps BlurAmount scale 0.01}
along with some focal blur and antialiasing.
I'm not sure how the section should be worded however.
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